Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Career change???

I hold a computer science degree.
But what if I go into law school?
I could become a patent lawyer.

What to do, what to do?
I don't know yet.
Must make wise decision soon.

Road Trip 2 - Houston.

This Saturday a few brilliant. folks and I will be making a drive to Houston, TX.
Why? Because IKEA is there and we need lighting for brilliant.

....but the big adventure to Belize is just around the corner.

Road Trip 1 - East Texas.

I got a stupid invitation from a Resorts company telling me I am guaranteed to win one of their 4 prizes. So I made the stupid decision to drive for 1 hour and 30 minutes to their stupid resort in a nice small rural place in east Texas to claim my stupid prize. It turns out the prize I won was really stupid at best. But I did donate to a small school in the middle-of-nowhere because it lacked funds for basic supplies. And I went to a yard sale where I bought home-baked cookies.

A Belizean nightmare

Only a few weeks separate me and my Belizean adventure.
I had a bad dream last night - I was in Belize, my camera was low on batteries, I had no spare batteries, and I ran out of space for pictures.
You betcha I'll be prepared now that I had to go through all that.