Thursday, June 28, 2007

Aculturalism, assimilation, and scary politics.

Aculturalism is a beautiful thing. The opposite, assimilation, is a stupid and naive thing. I know many folks who assimilate into the "American" culture and society. This is actually kind of a misnomer if you think about it. But still many people think they now "fit in" with the rest of the "American society." And by the rest of American society, of course, I mean the society that the media relentlessly portrays. Yet here and there are proud people losing any redeeming value of self-identity all in the name of being an American. Congratulations, you've just been assimilated into something meaningless. Yes, meaningless because assimilation is far from being a true American. Americans know where they come from. We know our heritage and our ancestors. So that's why I say it is meaningless. Such American citizens calling themselves as proud but has not a sense of true cultural identity are fools and are thus helplessly disillusioned with themselves and their fairytale America. It disturbs me quite honestly. Could it be that, that we see such a disproportionately large number of Americans who would rather die than live in another country? I am growing ever-increasingly shameful to be called an American.

Finally in the politcal landscape I can see two presidential hopefuls worthy enough for my vote. Yes, that is correct. For the first time in my life I will be voting for a president because for the first time I see real candidates who've the balls to make a difference. For the first time I hear long overdue and refreshing words of truth. For the first time I see potential presidents and not status-quo puppets. For the first time I will vote, not because I've been lazy in the past, but because in the past I'd no desire to take part in a meaningless political auction.

Take a guess at these presidential candidates. I'll give a hint: There are two.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Busted Lip + Bruised Arm = Pain

During a recent kendo practice i was accidentally hit on my lip by a Frenchman. I wasn't wearing the face protector so my lip was smashed into a tooth which caused blood to come out. The next day the bruise was noticeable and big as it was swollen. My arm, even with the gauntlet protection, still manages to break blood vessels which cause blood spots to appear. So I ordered an extra arm padding. Doing specific traning exercises to target certain some physical weaknesses seem to be helping big, stuff like upper arm and shoulders, legs, and core muslces, which is why I've migrated from a quasi-mediterranean diet to a high protein diet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

buffalo buffalo huh?

No matter how many times I think about this I always end up laughing about it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Snakes in a Dream

Long time ago I had a reoccuring dream involving a forest with open prairie fields and snakes. In this dream it would start pouring buckets of rain, eroding away the red alkaline soil. Then suddenly everywhere I go and everywhere I look, I could see snakes. Snakes trying to stay dry. Snakes lying in mud having been revealed by the washed away earth. And any escape route that I sought was hindered or ruined by a snake in its path, usually a poisonous one which you can tell by its bright showy colors.

I haven't had snakes in my dreams until last night. The day turned to night. I became shocked as I was walking down a grassy path to see countless snakes scattered about. The path was a walkway, like the kinds along the sides of houses where the gate to the backyard usually is. These were very aggressive and very poisonous ones too which you just know in your dreams. Being suprised by the snakes on the path I quickly jumped onto the metal cox-wired fence, spiderman style. There were snakes on the fence as well. I was in deep shit. I ended up jumping my way out of that snake-infestation, super mario style.

But here is what has changed. In the past I woke up from such dreams when the serpent presence was overwhelming. But last night I picked up my pellet gun, strapped a case of extra pellets on my belt, and headed back to the snakes, shooting their heads as I see them from a safe distance of about 5 feet - still close enough to be on high alert. I felt paranoid about my surroundings. My arms weren't steady due to malpractice, but my aim was usually sufficient. Another thing that is different is that these snakes I killed were small, no longer than 2 or 3 feet in length which were unlike the 6 foot long snakes in my old rainy dreams.

But the most interesting thing that I remember from this dreamed scene is this: I was climbing up a wall when trying to exit out of the snake-infested grassy walkway (i keep thinking grassy knole). I reached up for the ledge. That's when I saw a green tree snake coiled up. Without have much time to react, it striked at my hand and bit my finger tip. But I noticed how soft the bite was. The fangs had missed my skin completely.

This dream also involved a giant tornado, which i witnessed from its birth from across the distance of a driveway. I was scared at first. Such dreams of tornados frighten the living daylights out of me. But the tornado, for once in my life, was headed away from me, not towards me. My fear turned to awe as I relaxed and enjoyed that fascinating and furocious elemental creature.

What could this dream mean?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

A-Z Survey

• Are you available?: Yes
• What is your age?: 29
• What annoys you?: Arrogance, prejudice, and racism

• Do you know anyone named Billy?: yes
• When is your birthday?: September 6, 1977
• Who is your best friend? My dog, who died over 10 years ago.

• What's your favorite candy?: n/a
• Do you have a crush?: What's a crush?
• When was the last time you cried?: Maybe a few months ago.

• Do you daydream?: All the time.
• What's your favorite kind of dog?: Puppies with long snouts.
• What day of the week is it?: Sunday

• How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: I don't think so.
• Ever pet an elephant?: Yes
• What color are your eyes?: Brown

• Do you use fly swatters?: Do electric fly swatters count?
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: I think so.
• Is there a fan in your room?: Yes

• Do you chew gum?: No
• Do you like gummy candies?: Never
• Do you like gory movies?: Not really.

• How are you?: Bored and subconsciously tired I think.
○ What's your height?: About 5'8"
• What color is your hair?: Black

• Whats your favorite ice cream?: Any brand that begins with a 'B' or a 'D'.
• Have you ever ice skated?: Yes
• Ever been in an igloo?: Good question - no.

• What's your favorite Jelly Bean? This counts as a gummy candy.
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Yes
• Do you wear jewelry?: I wear a watch, sometimes.

• Who do you want to kill?: n/a
• Have you ever flown a kite?: Yes - that's a silly question.
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: Absolutely, unquestionably, without a doubt - no.

• Love at first sight?: Possible, but not probable.
• Lions or tigers?: Lions
• Do you like black licorice: Nope

• Favorite movie as a kid?: The Goonies
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: Let's
• Favorite stores at the mall?: Gap, Dilliards

• Do you have a nickname?: Yes
• Whats your favorite number? 3
• Do you prefer night or day? Day

• What's your one wish?: Meet Cinderella.
• Are you an only child?: No
• Do you like the color orange?: Yes

• What are you most paranoid about?: What am I not paranoid of?
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: In real life? No.

• Are you quick to judge people?: Not terribly quick.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: Yes, but not the instant kind.
• Quilts?: Sure, why not.

• Do you think you're always right?: Hardly ever.
• Do you watch reality TV?: No
• Reason to cry?: Animated Disney movies - it's practically guaranteed.

• Do you prefer sun or rain?: Both.
• Do you like snow?: Only if it's not life-threatening.
• Whats your favorite season/s?: Spring

• What time is it? 10:34 pm
• What time did you wake up?: 8:30 am
• Any tattoos?: None that are permanent.

• Can you ride a unicycle?: I can ride anything.
• Umbrellas?: Don't prefer to use mine.

• What's the worst vegetable?: My God, they're all so good.
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: Parts of it.
• Ever considered being vegetarian?: Half-heartedly.

• What's your worst habit?: Switching my nose when it tickles.
• Do you like water rides?: Sure, why not?
• Ever been inside a windmill?: Yes, a small one.

• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes
• Used a Xerox machine?: Yes...another silly question.

• Do you like the color yellow?: Sure, why not.
• What year were you born in?: 1977
• Do you yell when you're angry?: Only when I'm driving.

• Do you believe in the zodiac: Only about 70-85%.
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: 1-2 years ago in San Diego.