Yesterday I discovered a couple of tiny roaches around the kitchen sink. I killed them without hesitation, after all they're tiny roaches. Then I saw another one, a bigger one. I hesitated. I had foolishly believed that I had exterminated all traces of cock roaches in my apartment by my sheer determination, by simply killing every one in sight and with roach bait traps. And it's been a while since I've seen a roach too, which added to my foolish and false conclusion. So I decided to look thru all the cabinets and drawers. As I looked around and around everything looked free of roaches and their disgusting hints that they've been there. But as I surveyed the top of the refrigerator where my roommate keeps his cereal and bread (unclosed and unsealed I might add) I was shocked to see 2-3 fairly big roaches crawling along the cabinets (right above the fridge). I opened that cabinet slowly with the greatest awareness only to discover what seemed like a breeding ground of the enemy. I sprayed it very well. Shortly after I noticed larger ones being bold enough to come out and crawl along the walls and the counter tops, probably running away from their newly discovered (and newly destroyed) hiding place. And to think that I had exterminated them again proves just how foolish I really am...
Now it is the following day. After watching a movie I turn on the kitchen lights so I can grab a screw driver from one of the cabinets. Before I step foot on the kitchen floor I am amazed, no, dumb-founded, to see 2-3 big roaches casually walking about on the counter tops. I immediately grabbed the roach spray, my new best friend, and sprayed them off. As I let out a sigh of relief I was just about to let down my guard to place the spray bottle down. But I didn't even get a chance. Before I could place my best friend down I saw another one crawling along towards the sink, and it was running this time! I sprayed every cabinet corner, between every crevice, and along the floor perimeter. But even as I was doing that I saw the head, along with two antennaes, sticking out of a crevice in the outer cabinet, right beneath the counter top. It wasn't long before I couldn't believe my eyes...the roaches were swarming - they must've been hungry. I'm going in for another round of roach slaughtering in a few more minutes. I can only hope that my best friend can hold up.
Note to self - call the exterminator tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
considering green peace.
GreenPeace sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless i
should investigate deeper into this non-profit organization.
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
Saturday, August 27, 2005
waste not
"No life is a waste," the Blue Man said. "The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."
- the five people you meet in heaven
- the five people you meet in heaven
Friday, August 26, 2005
the cuteness of Siberian Huskies
I am a proud owner of a Siberian Husky puppy.
I bought him a red collar for $4 (I think).
He loves to fetch tennis balls and frisbees.
In fact, I entered him into a frisbee catching contest and won 1st place. And we won 100 bucks! He likes taking walks for the most part, although he seems rather lazy lately about it. Too bad I'm hardly ever home to feed him.
~ Nintendogs ~
I bought him a red collar for $4 (I think).
He loves to fetch tennis balls and frisbees.
In fact, I entered him into a frisbee catching contest and won 1st place. And we won 100 bucks! He likes taking walks for the most part, although he seems rather lazy lately about it. Too bad I'm hardly ever home to feed him.
~ Nintendogs ~
Thursday, August 25, 2005
math teacher twice a week.
Today was our first official day. It is our second day working with IRC (International Regufee Committee). The first day was an introductory/orientation type of class, but it was still a class for my class any way. Ben and I got to help two students one-on-one with some mathemtics. They're eager to learn. They have a ways to go. But they've already made tremendous progressive strides. And they all want to be a programmer of some sorts, some day. The first day we had 4 students. Today there were only 2. Perhaps they forgot? This Sunday Ben and I will be meeting with these kids again a couple of hours after noon-time so we can continue with the tutoring. It is tutoring, but it's much more like a crash course in english terminology, mathematics, and all the concepts that go in between. Fortunately they understand many of the gibberish that comes out of my mouth which is practically a miracle in and of itself considering this is me we're talking about here. But these are Liberian kids; kids in their early adolescence; kids who still need time and training before they can tame the english language on their own. It's not suppose to be this way, only once a week. But after sitting down for a few hours, those hours seeming like just 30 minutes, you realize that:
1. These kids are serious.
2. They're in a serious predicament.
3. They need serious help.
1. These kids are serious.
2. They're in a serious predicament.
3. They need serious help.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
these self-proclaimed wise words.
. Don't eat raw, unripe fruit
. Never count eggs before they hatch
. If you're thirsty your body has been dehydrated for some time, drink water
. Drink at least 8 cups of clean, pure water every day
. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper
. Don't look directly at the sun
. Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul
. God loves you
. Cell phones could possibly cause brain cancer
. Take pictures, from time to time
. Read a book, from time to time, at the least
. Refrain from junk foods if possible
. Refrain from frequenting fast food restaurants
. Abstain from temptations that bind you at all costs
. Go fishing at least once in your lifetime
. Go scuba diving at least once in your lifetime
. Enjoy all weather, whether rain, sleet, or tornado
. Enjoy nature's bounty
. Don't be afraid to get out in the sun
. There's nothing wrong or shameful about sweating, it's healthy
. Do not worry, it's a sin
. Love your neighbor
. Talk to your neighbor
. Don't be concerned about the latest cars, it's needless
. Don't be concerned about your income level, you'll live
. Rid of your pride, it doesn't do you any good
. In ALL things give praise and glory to God
. Never count eggs before they hatch
. If you're thirsty your body has been dehydrated for some time, drink water
. Drink at least 8 cups of clean, pure water every day
. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper
. Don't look directly at the sun
. Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul
. God loves you
. Cell phones could possibly cause brain cancer
. Take pictures, from time to time
. Read a book, from time to time, at the least
. Refrain from junk foods if possible
. Refrain from frequenting fast food restaurants
. Abstain from temptations that bind you at all costs
. Go fishing at least once in your lifetime
. Go scuba diving at least once in your lifetime
. Enjoy all weather, whether rain, sleet, or tornado
. Enjoy nature's bounty
. Don't be afraid to get out in the sun
. There's nothing wrong or shameful about sweating, it's healthy
. Do not worry, it's a sin
. Love your neighbor
. Talk to your neighbor
. Don't be concerned about the latest cars, it's needless
. Don't be concerned about your income level, you'll live
. Rid of your pride, it doesn't do you any good
. In ALL things give praise and glory to God
Monday, August 22, 2005
please do try and tame your tongue
Bad/dirty words always made me feel guilty when i managed to use it especially growing up during my early school years. About two years ago my new English friend who had been born again in the Spirit and freed from bondage in the flesh brought to my full attention the everyday and almost reflexive use of foul language.
A word or phrase doesn't have to be "bad" or even "dirty" in order for it to be rendered profane, obscene, or inappropriate. It is how it is used in context. Therefore any spoken word or phrase is thoroughly capable of offending when said with an offending heart. Daily living, simple living, is no different. Keeping a clean sparkling mouth on one day and having a filthy frothing mouth on another is to be keeping two different worlds apart - you might as well be living two separate lives because in a way you really truly are.
A word or phrase doesn't have to be "bad" or even "dirty" in order for it to be rendered profane, obscene, or inappropriate. It is how it is used in context. Therefore any spoken word or phrase is thoroughly capable of offending when said with an offending heart. Daily living, simple living, is no different. Keeping a clean sparkling mouth on one day and having a filthy frothing mouth on another is to be keeping two different worlds apart - you might as well be living two separate lives because in a way you really truly are.
Riding the powder.
So I find myself looking forward to snow-boarding, a sport I've never ever tried, although I've skiied on two separate occasions. The thought of having both feet planted in one snow board makes me feel safe, much safer than wearing skis where there exists the potential possibility of doing unintentional splits. I find myself sleepless at the prospect of tracing the contours of fresh glistening white powder on a sparse hilly mountain-side. And I find myself seeking for courage - courage for a great many things.
Friday, August 19, 2005
a friday's ramblings
Earlier this week somebody proposed to me albeit in a nonchalant and joking manner. Even though i knew this and took it without a speckle of seriousness I was in a state of shock as i continued to mind my business and give my full attention to my computer monitor. In hindsight I should've opend my mouth and said "No" to him.
Today was a rather casual day in the office. My fellow co-workers (4) and I had quite the diverse and philosophical conversation - everything from the illusion of teleportation when copying matter at the atomic level (as opposed to true transferring of atoms from one physical location to another) along with the moral and ethical and spiritual ramifications of atomic-teleportation (hence atomic cloning) to the latest technologies in 2D/3D image projections into thin air (now on the market).
Went to Central Market for lunch, went home at 4:30 pm, and packed up and prepared for a a visit to Mom and Dad's. "Oh shoot!!". That is what I said out loud to myself when it dawned on me that a friend had invited me over to watch Battle Star Galactica (or was it Star Trek?). Too bad I don't watch either of them, let alone like them. So I unpack and catch a ride to the host's abode with my roommate (we car pooled, yay!).
In more interesting and applicable ramblings that's of any worth in mentioning, I've been reading about the emerging church (a neat book). Authentic and experiential worship by the mediums that are available through our five senses, this may or may not require some time. Enough of my ramblings....I need to at least attempt to watch the TV show.
Today was a rather casual day in the office. My fellow co-workers (4) and I had quite the diverse and philosophical conversation - everything from the illusion of teleportation when copying matter at the atomic level (as opposed to true transferring of atoms from one physical location to another) along with the moral and ethical and spiritual ramifications of atomic-teleportation (hence atomic cloning) to the latest technologies in 2D/3D image projections into thin air (now on the market).
Went to Central Market for lunch, went home at 4:30 pm, and packed up and prepared for a a visit to Mom and Dad's. "Oh shoot!!". That is what I said out loud to myself when it dawned on me that a friend had invited me over to watch Battle Star Galactica (or was it Star Trek?). Too bad I don't watch either of them, let alone like them. So I unpack and catch a ride to the host's abode with my roommate (we car pooled, yay!).
In more interesting and applicable ramblings that's of any worth in mentioning, I've been reading about the emerging church (a neat book). Authentic and experiential worship by the mediums that are available through our five senses, this may or may not require some time. Enough of my ramblings....I need to at least attempt to watch the TV show.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Clouded judgment
Twenty feet under water, breathing through an artificial respirator, gazing through a condensationed mask, and trying not to let the cold thermal-clines get to me - this was the scenario. The objective was to find a sunken man-made shark with a huge gaping mouth decorated with distinctively sharp teeth that brightly contrasted with the deep darkness of its throat. Just thinking about it brings chills down my spine. Yet here I was, at the bottom of a murky and muddy lake with only 20 ft visibility which seemed more like 8 ft visibility, trying to find this shark head-on. Suddenly all I see is mud, and lots of it. I was sinking. I gave a flutter of kicks but it was too late and too little. I should've kicked with all my might. Next thing I know I'm surrounded by a rising cloud of silt. Disorientation struck in no time. Where was I? What direction was I facing? Did I have enough air in my tank? Was I rising or falling? Then in a mixture of relief and disappointment I saw the surface from beneath. I saw bubbles rising and racing to the top, hundreds of them, maybe thousands. I had just failed to earn my scuba certification for that day.
In the midst of every inconceivable distraction; stop, breath, and look to what will bring you to the goal. Muddy floors, freezing currents, ugly fish, oxygen levels, low visibility...these are mere distractions - obstacles to be conquered - fears to be overcome. Instead keep a steady and unwavering eye on your compass, for it eagerly and relentlessly shows you the way.
In the midst of every inconceivable distraction; stop, breath, and look to what will bring you to the goal. Muddy floors, freezing currents, ugly fish, oxygen levels, low visibility...these are mere distractions - obstacles to be conquered - fears to be overcome. Instead keep a steady and unwavering eye on your compass, for it eagerly and relentlessly shows you the way.
Monday, August 8, 2005
More ramblings with Negra Modelo
I'm having my 2nd Negra Modelo at work as I'm typing this. Not 2nd one today. It is the 2nd one in my life. Unusual day today. Eating a garden salad now. I've always been a rabbit when it came to food but this is getting ridiculous. It's tough to eat with a passion when you're not sure if what you're eating is smart or not. Now there is a sudden fear of moving. I mean physically moving to another location or something. Don't worry, I assure you I am not getting drunk even though my ramblings may lead you to such a conclusion. On the contrary, my mind is still as sharp as a newly sharpened pencil. Now it is time for me to get back to work. Only 1 more hour until midnight.
Sunday, August 7, 2005
ultimate frisbee day
I've made much progress in the office lately so I'm treating myself to an early release from the office and participate in a game of ultimate frisbee. Although I hardly ever get to touch the frisbee when I play I do enjoy running around pretending like I know what I'm doing. I found that the figure-eight is the best pattern to run...but it has to be a sufficiently big enough figure-eight, otherwise it just looks funny and people will catch on and take advantage of your novice-level ultimate frisbee incompetence. By chance they do catch on, change your pattern to something like a figure-O pattern. Again, it has to be a sufficiently big figure-O, otherwise you'll look lost out there literally running in small circles. The majority of the ultimate frisbee players seem to be from the local Chinese church. They're a youthful bunch. Most of the time I feel like a race horse that is out-matched by every other race horse. But although I am a little older and a lot slower, all it takes is for me to get a glimpse of your eye, then I can take off like the wind leaving you choking on my trail of dust, just like SeaBiscuit. Unfortunately this increased level of performance only lasts for a few seconds, which is very unlike SeaBiscuit. But then again SeaBiscuit got to wear horse shoes. I don't know why I feel like SeaBiscuit today. Maybe it's the weather we're having right now, the kind that precedes almost every thunderstorm in Texas. Maybe it's the chinese food I had for lunch. Or maybe it's because I'm wearing a tie. Or maybe it's because I'm two hours away from running around with other race horses. What ever it is it's an inspiration. I think every woman, man, and child has a SeaBiscuit inside them somewhere. I'm still trying to teach mine to be a horse again.
Saturday, August 6, 2005
something new
Today, a Saturday, at work, a coworker brought a 6-pack of beer I've never seen nor tasted.
I'm having one and it tastes nice. It even has a unique bottle shape to it.
Negra Modelo, imported straight from Mexico.
next chapter please
No thing or body on this planet is perfect. It is so true and thus so transparent, sometimes to the point of being painfully obvious. Consequentially you can not ask of any thing or any body (any person) to be perfect. It is for all practical purposes impossible. We all make mistakes. Some more than others. And some even more still. This chapter will always be a mixed bag of joy, sorrow, and confusion. O how I wish this chapter ended with a happier song!
i suppose it's now time to turn the page and keep reading.
i suppose it's now time to turn the page and keep reading.
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