Wednesday, August 24, 2005

these self-proclaimed wise words.

. Don't eat raw, unripe fruit
. Never count eggs before they hatch
. If you're thirsty your body has been dehydrated for some time, drink water
. Drink at least 8 cups of clean, pure water every day
. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper
. Don't look directly at the sun
. Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul
. God loves you
. Cell phones could possibly cause brain cancer
. Take pictures, from time to time
. Read a book, from time to time, at the least
. Refrain from junk foods if possible
. Refrain from frequenting fast food restaurants
. Abstain from temptations that bind you at all costs
. Go fishing at least once in your lifetime
. Go scuba diving at least once in your lifetime
. Enjoy all weather, whether rain, sleet, or tornado
. Enjoy nature's bounty
. Don't be afraid to get out in the sun
. There's nothing wrong or shameful about sweating, it's healthy
. Do not worry, it's a sin
. Love your neighbor
. Talk to your neighbor
. Don't be concerned about the latest cars, it's needless
. Don't be concerned about your income level, you'll live
. Rid of your pride, it doesn't do you any good
. In ALL things give praise and glory to God

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