Yes it is american football season, again. And yes, this year the Dallas Cowboys do look better than ever. But I'm not talking about foot end zones. I'm talking about the end of this blog. Have you ever wondered what it would be like when you're like 40 or 50? Would you still be blogging? Would you still surf the internet, check your email? Would you have a computer and live a wired or a connected lifestyle? It's hard to imagine any of that for me. So yeah it's been fun bloggin'. I must admit at some points in my life this place was a blessed place to just vent or to just entertain (myself). But all this online stuff is getting old. I don't need to blog any more.
i guess I will take the bookmark off..
are you back?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!? i don't think you should stop your posts. only because i want to know if you're back yet :)
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