Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yay. A Cruise Ship for Republicans.

Look closely at these photos and you will see many elderly caucasians. Look closely because they are rich and powerful. They run the U.S.

Fortunately they are old. Unfortunately they have children that probably think like them. They think like racists because they are racists. They like to think of themselves as classy, refined, and well-traveled. But they really have no appreciation of any other culture other than their narrow-minded and corrupted culture.

Look closely, because many of the world's (yes, not only America, but the world) problems exists because of this cruise ship full of conservative republicans. Get them together in a room and they talk about torturing muslims. They talk of muslims taking over Europe. And they do this with hellova lot of distaste and disdain.

1 comment:

Stanley said...

My personal political leanings have changed dramatically over the past several years (from far right to slightly left), but I have to say that it doesn't help to condemn anyone into broad categories. To call all of them racists undermines your own point because you are in fact making a bigoted remark against all conservatives ;-).

For example, this is their speaker list:

Not all white, but that doesn't prove that they AREN'T racist either.

Just my two cents - Stanley