I glanced at a brick that was a piece of a short wall that came up to my knee. The brick stuck out like a soar thumb with it's obvious discolor, very much how like they do in video games when they want you to notice something. So I get a hammer from my tool belt and start hitting the hard and brittle stone brick. But I found that sorta nudging it with the sharp side made the brick crumble like a moist gingerbread man.
I'm stabbing the moist brick within a vat of 4-5 ceramic pots, each about 20 inches in diameter. The moistness that I was mushing together was apparently moldy organic matter that's been extremely well decomposed. It was so pristine though that it still held its previous form which was that of a sea coral with organic stems with little bulbs at the end. But as I mixed and mushed through the pots everything lost its form and was very easy to mash everything together with the consistency close to that of mushy beans, the kind you get at Tex-Mex restaurants.
I fluffed up the mashed matter as I pretend to comb through tall reeds of grass within a mid-size nature-scenic pool of water. I comb upward to make it look like Don King's hair. A seal comes out of the small pool of water while roughly following my footsteps as I walk around the pool. Every once in a while the seal poked its snout into the wooden plank wedges where we stand. It looks like it hurt. But he kept doing it. Perhaps he's looking for food? For some reason I mimic what he does and stick my snout between two planks of wood too, but only in my imagination as I merely go through the motions of doing it.
The seal almost drags his body past me when a shark jumps out of the water and wraps his jaws around the seal's lower body. But the shark never bites. Again the shark jumps out and catches the seal within its jaws. The shark doesn't know what to do after catching the seal, so it lets it go, all because the shark was hand-raised and is too domesticated.
I lie there in my bed studying the ceiling and staring beyond for what must've been one to two hours. Dreams like this make me thrilled to be alive.

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