Monday, April 11, 2005

I feel like a chicken.

That is right.
I feel like a chicken all cooped up in a chicken coop.

I now know that I am an out-doorsman. I don't particularly like the indoors. It is just not me.
Which, I finally realized, is the very reason why I hate being here in Dallas.
I am living my fullest when I travel.

For the record: I am fond of hot weather. I grew up hating the summer and loving the winter. Today, at age 27, it is quite the opposite. I am slower and unhealthier in the winter time (although I do like winter clothes).

Somebody once told me that im a "cold-person". I prefer cold-foods, like chicken and fish and vegetables. I prefer warm weather because apparantly "cold-bodied" people don't generate a lot of heat. I think this person hit the spot right on the nose.

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