Thursday, October 20, 2005

My absent mind, standing on the edge, and grasping security.

I don't know what to think this morning.
The weather is warm and cool at the same time. It's pretty nice and comfortable actually. And the sun is completely out. I don't know what else to think of this other than that I feel like a chicken in a small, tight chicken coop. Nature is begging me, it beckons me, to its bounty.

Something deep inside of me is telling me that I am standing at an edge. There are no immediate clues really, but I do know that I have a choice - either to turn away from the edge, or to jump. And fortunately I am not so reluctant to jump. In fact I want to jump without looking back, not too much anyways.

Most people are afraid of change, which is perfectly natural, I suppose. But I can't understand why anybody would choose security (ie. job security, financial security) over freedom. Securities, as we know it on earth, are not void of attachments. Of course there's nothing wrong with being secure. It is perfectly natural as well. I guess you'd have to see it to understand what I'm trying to get at. I'd never be able to explain it. I'm pretty lousy at that.

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