Sunday, December 30, 2007
A fair warning.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
A little piece of heaven.
I glanced at a brick that was a piece of a short wall that came up to my knee. The brick stuck out like a soar thumb with it's obvious discolor, very much how like they do in video games when they want you to notice something. So I get a hammer from my tool belt and start hitting the hard and brittle stone brick. But I found that sorta nudging it with the sharp side made the brick crumble like a moist gingerbread man.
I'm stabbing the moist brick within a vat of 4-5 ceramic pots, each about 20 inches in diameter. The moistness that I was mushing together was apparently moldy organic matter that's been extremely well decomposed. It was so pristine though that it still held its previous form which was that of a sea coral with organic stems with little bulbs at the end. But as I mixed and mushed through the pots everything lost its form and was very easy to mash everything together with the consistency close to that of mushy beans, the kind you get at Tex-Mex restaurants.
I fluffed up the mashed matter as I pretend to comb through tall reeds of grass within a mid-size nature-scenic pool of water. I comb upward to make it look like Don King's hair. A seal comes out of the small pool of water while roughly following my footsteps as I walk around the pool. Every once in a while the seal poked its snout into the wooden plank wedges where we stand. It looks like it hurt. But he kept doing it. Perhaps he's looking for food? For some reason I mimic what he does and stick my snout between two planks of wood too, but only in my imagination as I merely go through the motions of doing it.
The seal almost drags his body past me when a shark jumps out of the water and wraps his jaws around the seal's lower body. But the shark never bites. Again the shark jumps out and catches the seal within its jaws. The shark doesn't know what to do after catching the seal, so it lets it go, all because the shark was hand-raised and is too domesticated.
I lie there in my bed studying the ceiling and staring beyond for what must've been one to two hours. Dreams like this make me thrilled to be alive.

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Beware: Dog may look nice, but it is trained to kill!!
If Republicans nominate his way, we're in for another sinister group that is corrupt, arrogant, catastrophically righteous. Listen, poke, prod, and discover, but don't look. It's another Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
Heaven forbid there be a copy of Dick Cheney.
Friday, December 14, 2007
I'm with stupid.
I can't think of any other explanation. It is stupid. Borat-loving people are stupid. Borat is way stupid. And this post is stupid.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
America, the new face of fascism.
Chicago is way too fucking cold. Can't live there. Great place to visit. But not nearly enough warm days with sky-high costs to live there. I'd rather live in the desert somewhere. Oh wait. I love the desert.
It turned out my chiropractor had sold himself out to the medical insurance providers who contractually obligate their busy bees into doing patch-up work rather than curing from the bottom up and solving the root of the problem. So I fired him. I quit. Now I see a masseuse, albeit at a corporate rate.
Finally, for my rant, I am disgusted at Oprah for using her celebrity status to bolster the Obama campaign for presidency. Well, then again, nothing's new. There will always be celebrities speaking out in support for a Democrat. And dumb, lazy, ignorant, indifferent Americans will follow like sheep down the valley, but more like lemmings over the cliff. Oh, and Chipotle sucks. Don't eat there at all cost.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
December 16th.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A change in destination.

Can't wait.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
The traveler's dream.
As I was shopping for Alaskan cruise vacations for my parents, I learned that Alaska is now easily on top of my destinations radar. Absolutely gorgeous and pristine landscapes is what attracts me to it.
And I swear, seeing some of the pictures of the sea, the wild and beautiful mountains, and those diminishing ancient glaciers, they brought a tear to my eye.
- I think I felt that I lost that inner desire to see and experience the world (I became complacent) and that I gained a sparklling truth as to why I held on to those dreams in the first place.
- I know that my parents would never have the chance to see such amazing places like that, and that I was personally going to give them that opportunity.
- I know that what I was looking at was merely Alaska, and that there are still endless locales of restless natural beauty and wonder, and that I would not have enough resources/desire/ability to see and experience them all.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Split into two mental states.
Then there are days when I'm depressed; feeling down due to the mortality of it all and the unknowns of what comes after death.
But enough of that for now. I've already spent an astronomical amount of time on this.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
American Shame.
But I know this man, a man without U.S. citizenship, who is living the American dream. He loves America and is passionate and even patriotic to its flag (if that is even possible) and more than any American I know.
Just a little background without going into deep details - he was raised in the poorest of countries, saw people die in front of his eyes, lived in tremendous debt from educational American loans, lived in an American subway station for several days with a wife and kids out of desperation, is a muslim, hates Osama Bin Laden with a much more visceral passion than probably most Americans.
That was years ago. Today he makes about $200,000 annually. And he works hard to earn it. And he works like this, like a dog, like a work-horse, because he knows it can all be taken away and leave his family back to the gutters. His story is a story of Forest Gump calibre. And like Forest he has many outstanding accomplishments, many of which many Americans can not claim.
The end.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Machu Picchu Adventure coming up!

I haven't exactly been active in looking for that next great adventure travel. After my first real adventure in Belize (, I've decided that the Ultimate Adventure was not as physically demanded as I had wished for. Don't get me wrong, some portions were grueling and tough, like the several hours of kayaking against the current, or the paddling a raft upstream through rough rivers for 3 whole days. But they still weren't demanding enough.
This package to Machu Picchu in Peru is offering a rating of 4 out of 5 on the physically demanding scale. Should be loads of fun.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I found my 1st geocache! Woohoo!!
I Drove thru winding residential roads to get to an intentionally isolated cemetery walled off. The cemetery, amazingly, had two chapels and a windmill. The cache was hidden as the very back of the grounds hidden beneath a little cove of over-hanging vines. It was well-hidden inside a hollow tree stump.
I know what geocaching is all about. It's about luring people to unique and worthwhile locations; locations where people would never see otherwise.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fwd: We only have one chance
Make a choice if you haven't already done so.
Have a great day.
--- Ron Paul 2008 <> wrote:
> Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:01:44 -0400
> To: <>
> From: "Ron Paul 2008" <>
> Subject: We only have one chance
> October 10, 2007
> Around the beginning of August, our campaign set a
> fundraising goal for the third quarter. We decided
> that we had to raise $5,000,000 by September 30th.
> At the time, we weren't sure we could meet that
> goal.
> But meet it we did, thanks to you. And during the
> last week, Ron Paul received more press than he did
> during the previous nine months of our campaign.
> Now it's the start of the final quarter of the
> primary season. We've set a goal again, and this
> time, we're letting everyone track our progress
> throughout the quarter - the first campaign in
> history to disclose immediately every cent that is
> raised.
> Our fundraising target for the 4th quarter is
> $12,000,000.
> Without a doubt, this won't be easy. But this goal
> is not optional.
> Other campaigns spend frivolously. Some even pour
> millions of dollars of their own money into their
> campaigns. We do not have either of these luxuries.
> This is a goal that we must meet if Ron Paul is to
> win the Republican nomination for President.
> We all need to redouble our efforts. Please get us
> off to a great start this month by making your most
> generous donation now:
> Then tell your friends, family - even people you
> don't know - about Ron Paul and our message of
> freedom. And don't forget to look for your name and
> watch Lady Liberty's torch light up after you make
> your donation:
> We only have one chance.
> Jonathan Bydlak
> Fundraising Director
> Ron Paul 2008
> .
> You are subscribed to this newsletter as
> Please use the link below to
> modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe
> from any future mailings. We will respect all
> unsubscribe requests.
> Paid for by the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Slaughter-House-Five, a silly anti-war book, doesn't even come close. But it is barely passable for good reading. So I'm reading it although I've always ended up taking a nap during that magical moment. Gathering Blue on the other hand sounds much more interesting and I can't wait for it.
Tomorrow morning I'm on an early morning flight to Chicago from Houston, for training. Like all company-sponsored events it should be a social blast with plenty of alcohol. Unfortunately im not a big fan of alcohol. Trust me, I've learned my lesson(s) when I passed out on the beach and missed the entire morning program down in Florida.
Every night I've seen a Rocky movie in my hotel room. It's crazy - every freakin' night some version of Rocky is on the tube. What's even crazier is that I always end up watching it. But i love it.
At this point in life I have every thing to lose and nothing to gain. Nothing to show for and every thing to hide from. At this point, at this point in life, there are a few things that can change the world around for the better.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Turning 30.
I am turning 30 in a few days but it won't feel any different because I've already been feeling the signs of age. Sad thing is that things will only gradually get worse from here on out. And life on earth just got shorter and will always continue to be as we each realize how precious and how short a lifetime really is.

I was lucky to witness a fabulous display of lightening from above the misty cloud plains in the sky. It was a totally wicked and spectacular dance of killer lights.
I spent significant time with the heavenly stars while lying face-up on the powdery beaches of Hollywood, FL. The cool and salty night air kept me company as it moved endlessly about me while the faint piercing light rays from some billion light years ago shone on my body. The warm salty emerald sea ate away at my detoxing body keeping me warm with its comforting and massaging waves. I didn't want to leave that sandy beach so infinitely soft, that bed in which I slept on while the very same stars I was watching were watching over me.
I think that life is good. But I think that it can be better. Not talking about money, love, vanity, or immortality. Talking about purpose, or the sense of it. I lost my purpose and sense in life. I don't know what it is any more. I don't know what it means any more. I guess to distract me from this unavoidable hole in my consciousness I try to fill it with great literature.
I finished another great masterpiece of Steinbeck. I read the last page over and over several times. I had to savor it again and again just so I could relive that moment in time when the words and their meanings become just as real, if not more, than life's existence itself. At this stage in my life Steinbeck's works has become my compass. It is showing and teaching me things through the lives and consequences of others.
I need at this time more of the good things in life such as food, love, and purpose. So this is my quest this year, on this brand new age of me, to discover more about me. Funny, scary, ridiculous, and psychotic as this may sound I don't know who I am.
I was suggested to read some literature authored by Freud. I never took that advice seriously. Perhaps this new line of reading will open up something about me. And so I guess I need to hit the bookstore.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Calling All Political Assassins
We are doomed.
When did fucking militarism get favored over diplomacy?
I hope the world's most powerful military nations destroy themselves.
What a dashing good solution.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Township Rebellion
'Cause our people still dwell in hell
Locked in a cell
Yes, the structure's a cell
Mad is the story I tell
How long can we wait?
Come on, seein' what's at stake
Action for reaction
If your mind's in a somewhat complacent state
Get a check up
This is a stick up
Our freedom or your life
Lord, I wish I could be peacful
But there can be no sequel
Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion
Yeah, what about that, sucker?
Yeah, so you thought you could get with the hardlines
That fill your mind
Thoughts, battles fought
And lessons taught
Yes I'll display the fitness
And flip like a gymnast
Raise my fist and resist
Asleep, though we stand in the midst
Of a war
Gotta get mine
Gotta get more
Keepin' the mic warm against the norm
'Cause what does it offer me?
I think often it's nothin' but a coffin
Gotta get wreck
Till our necks never swing on a rope
From here to the cape of no hope
Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
What's it gonna take?
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackle their minds when they're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost, lost!
Shackle your minds and you're left on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost!
Just shackle your minds when you're bent on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost!
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
- Join the revolution. Vote for Ron Paul, 2008
Walking slowly back to the stars.
Gave a book I completed while waiting for my Dallas bound flight. A book authored by a great american literary classic. She appreciated the offer and insisted I autograph the book along with my phone number. I need to give away books more often. It's far more rewarding and exciting than stashing it and using it as a dust collector.
Lastly, stars area dreamy. Telescopes are amazing that way. They let you peek at distant otherly worlds. I wish I could return to the stars. They're so amazing. I belong up there.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Designed to inadvertently worship Baal ?

Saturday, July 28, 2007
America in distress
It is important that people stand together. After all it is for the people that this government exists in the first place. When will that last straw break the camels back? When will the American people say enough is enough? We can learn a great deal from the recent French lower classmen and minority immigrants who caused a riotous uproar. We need that same energy, the energy that can lead to a revolt. And when that day comes I will happily do whatever I can to do my part. Maybe I won't lead a revolt, but then again, maybe I will...but in either case I will know that I am contributing for the betterment of the country. It is for country, for liberty, for freedom. And no government nor dictator president nor any servant of the law can stop us.
An upside down American flag is generally a sign of distress. More Americans are raising their U.S. flags upside on their own private lands to reflect this sad state of affairs and being threatened by authorities for it. Rage Against the Machine is a popular rap-metal band, explicitly critical of U.S. power and capitalist rule. Former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachav voices concerns that the U.S. is creating an unstable and dangerous world. Recent headline reports reveal $20-30 billion dollars of military arms will be finding its way to Saudi Arabia, where it will again arm the enemies that righfully hate us. Rage Against the Machine is something I started to listen to again after having it in my collection for many years. I've resurrected their songs into my cerebral canals so that I may listen to their beautiful words, once again.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
High five margaritas!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I mean, after all, we do yell "Men!" all day long.
The men is the head piece, the armor deisgned as the head protector. This is called the men.
I think this is accurate, so don't take my word for this.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Yay. A Cruise Ship for Republicans.
Fortunately they are old. Unfortunately they have children that probably think like them. They think like racists because they are racists. They like to think of themselves as classy, refined, and well-traveled. But they really have no appreciation of any other culture other than their narrow-minded and corrupted culture.
Look closely, because many of the world's (yes, not only America, but the world) problems exists because of this cruise ship full of conservative republicans. Get them together in a room and they talk about torturing muslims. They talk of muslims taking over Europe. And they do this with hellova lot of distaste and disdain.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Simple and complicated
How about this painting, Starry Night?
Try to appreciate the colors, the textures, the shapes, the spaces. Is this not one of the most contradicting thing you have ever seen in your life?

One of my favorite classes in college was Art Appreciation, not because it was easy, but because it was... complicated. This in conjunction with my fascination with the heavens (i.e. crystal clear stars against a perfect pitch black sky) is what gets my head whirling about. Imagine laying down with your head rested on your arms behind your head as you stare up at the clear starry night. Can you see all the constellations? Notice the twinkling of distant stars? Look! Did you see that shooting star!? Notice the neighboring arm of the Milky Way Galaxy? Can you feel how significant yet so insignificant we are in this universe? This is beyond what dreams are made of. This is what the human mind is made of.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Becoming the FBI or CIA I once dreamed of.
Today I shot and killed a squirrel because it was eating off of my mother's date tree. I shot it 5 times; the first piercing it's right ear which disabled its ability to climb the fence and escape its inevitable death. So it stood there behind any kind of cover it could find, while bleeding. I prayed about this before I took my shot, because it just felt wrong to shoot a creature because it's hungry. Honestly, if it were my choice, I would've let all the squirrels in the entire Milky Way Galaxy gorge on all the dates it could choke down.
It took 4 more shots to neutralize the defenseless and disgusting creature. You don't realize how disgusting squirrels are until you've seen it up close and personal. Of course it bleeding to death didn't help it in the cuteness factor. You see, I had to take as many shots needed to kill it. Moments before it finally entered its last sleep, it squirmed about, as if it were in pain or extreme discomfort. Killing it was the least I could do for it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Apples and Oranges
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Less Kendo, More Reading.
I am going back to one of my favorite (is this the right spelling?) literature masters, John Steinbeck. I picked up my first Steinbeck, East of Eden, at a vacant rundown rooftop apartment in Seoul. The apartment was formerly used by a foreigner/expatriot, most likely American or Canadian. It was clear as pure crystal that this person has good taste in his/her selection of literature. So this book, literally as thick as one of those unecessarily ginormous dictionaries, caught my eye - East of Eden, I will never forget reading that great piece of fiction loosely based on the great author himself.
Now I have in my possession two more Steinbeck's. Cannery Row is one of them.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Detailed descriptions of holding a sword.
I've made this mistake once in front of class which was brought out by an unexpected participation during those moments when the teacher/instructor picks you out. At that point you either demonstrate that you know it or you don't. It's like one of those moments when a coach gathers his team around in a circle and select one random person so that he, the coach, can demonstrate the proper way to grip a bat or dribble a ball or whatever. The poor soul selected to demonstrate will effectively do one of two things: demonstrate the right way, or, demonstrate the wrong way - of which the coach will point out. It's quite the effective teaching tool.
Remember, Kendo is in a serious atmosphere where everybody stares you in the eye, face-to-face, with the look of killer in their eyes. But i will never forget the day when the instructor quickly motioned that I should pause and wait and check myself, and I knew that something about me was wrong. My feet looked okay, so was my grip and my posture and everything that I could quickly think of. I was golden.
But something was really wrong. Something was very wrong. That day, in front of every member of my class, I demonstrated something which I now consider simply as unorthodox.
I had made a slight mistake in my gripping of the sword. Instead of holding it the "traditional" way, I accidentally held it so that the blade was facing upward so that if I were to happen to swing to large, I could potentially cut my own face. Of course there was no noticeable difference in the grip. To better describe this, I drew a detailed illustration.
The wrong way: Blade is facing up.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Aculturalism, assimilation, and scary politics.
Finally in the politcal landscape I can see two presidential hopefuls worthy enough for my vote. Yes, that is correct. For the first time in my life I will be voting for a president because for the first time I see real candidates who've the balls to make a difference. For the first time I hear long overdue and refreshing words of truth. For the first time I see potential presidents and not status-quo puppets. For the first time I will vote, not because I've been lazy in the past, but because in the past I'd no desire to take part in a meaningless political auction.
Take a guess at these presidential candidates. I'll give a hint: There are two.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Busted Lip + Bruised Arm = Pain
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Snakes in a Dream
I haven't had snakes in my dreams until last night. The day turned to night. I became shocked as I was walking down a grassy path to see countless snakes scattered about. The path was a walkway, like the kinds along the sides of houses where the gate to the backyard usually is. These were very aggressive and very poisonous ones too which you just know in your dreams. Being suprised by the snakes on the path I quickly jumped onto the metal cox-wired fence, spiderman style. There were snakes on the fence as well. I was in deep shit. I ended up jumping my way out of that snake-infestation, super mario style.
But here is what has changed. In the past I woke up from such dreams when the serpent presence was overwhelming. But last night I picked up my pellet gun, strapped a case of extra pellets on my belt, and headed back to the snakes, shooting their heads as I see them from a safe distance of about 5 feet - still close enough to be on high alert. I felt paranoid about my surroundings. My arms weren't steady due to malpractice, but my aim was usually sufficient. Another thing that is different is that these snakes I killed were small, no longer than 2 or 3 feet in length which were unlike the 6 foot long snakes in my old rainy dreams.
But the most interesting thing that I remember from this dreamed scene is this: I was climbing up a wall when trying to exit out of the snake-infested grassy walkway (i keep thinking grassy knole). I reached up for the ledge. That's when I saw a green tree snake coiled up. Without have much time to react, it striked at my hand and bit my finger tip. But I noticed how soft the bite was. The fangs had missed my skin completely.
This dream also involved a giant tornado, which i witnessed from its birth from across the distance of a driveway. I was scared at first. Such dreams of tornados frighten the living daylights out of me. But the tornado, for once in my life, was headed away from me, not towards me. My fear turned to awe as I relaxed and enjoyed that fascinating and furocious elemental creature.
What could this dream mean?
Sunday, June 3, 2007
A-Z Survey
• Are you available?: Yes
• What is your age?: 29
• What annoys you?: Arrogance, prejudice, and racism
• Do you know anyone named Billy?: yes
• When is your birthday?: September 6, 1977
• Who is your best friend? My dog, who died over 10 years ago.
• What's your favorite candy?: n/a
• Do you have a crush?: What's a crush?
• When was the last time you cried?: Maybe a few months ago.
• Do you daydream?: All the time.
• What's your favorite kind of dog?: Puppies with long snouts.
• What day of the week is it?: Sunday
• How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: I don't think so.
• Ever pet an elephant?: Yes
• What color are your eyes?: Brown
• Do you use fly swatters?: Do electric fly swatters count?
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: I think so.
• Is there a fan in your room?: Yes
• Do you chew gum?: No
• Do you like gummy candies?: Never
• Do you like gory movies?: Not really.
• How are you?: Bored and subconsciously tired I think.
○ What's your height?: About 5'8"
• What color is your hair?: Black
• Whats your favorite ice cream?: Any brand that begins with a 'B' or a 'D'.
• Have you ever ice skated?: Yes
• Ever been in an igloo?: Good question - no.
• What's your favorite Jelly Bean? This counts as a gummy candy.
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Yes
• Do you wear jewelry?: I wear a watch, sometimes.
• Who do you want to kill?: n/a
• Have you ever flown a kite?: Yes - that's a silly question.
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: Absolutely, unquestionably, without a doubt - no.
• Love at first sight?: Possible, but not probable.
• Lions or tigers?: Lions
• Do you like black licorice: Nope
• Favorite movie as a kid?: The Goonies
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: Let's
• Favorite stores at the mall?: Gap, Dilliards
• Do you have a nickname?: Yes
• Whats your favorite number? 3
• Do you prefer night or day? Day
• What's your one wish?: Meet Cinderella.
• Are you an only child?: No
• Do you like the color orange?: Yes
• What are you most paranoid about?: What am I not paranoid of?
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: In real life? No.
• Are you quick to judge people?: Not terribly quick.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: Yes, but not the instant kind.
• Quilts?: Sure, why not.
• Do you think you're always right?: Hardly ever.
• Do you watch reality TV?: No
• Reason to cry?: Animated Disney movies - it's practically guaranteed.
• Do you prefer sun or rain?: Both.
• Do you like snow?: Only if it's not life-threatening.
• Whats your favorite season/s?: Spring
• What time is it? 10:34 pm
• What time did you wake up?: 8:30 am
• Any tattoos?: None that are permanent.
• Can you ride a unicycle?: I can ride anything.
• Umbrellas?: Don't prefer to use mine.
• What's the worst vegetable?: My God, they're all so good.
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: Parts of it.
• Ever considered being vegetarian?: Half-heartedly.
• What's your worst habit?: Switching my nose when it tickles.
• Do you like water rides?: Sure, why not?
• Ever been inside a windmill?: Yes, a small one.
• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes
• Used a Xerox machine?: Yes...another silly question.
• Do you like the color yellow?: Sure, why not.
• What year were you born in?: 1977
• Do you yell when you're angry?: Only when I'm driving.
• Do you believe in the zodiac: Only about 70-85%.
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: 1-2 years ago in San Diego.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Interesting times.

But one excitement I will mention is that I'm now shopping for bogu, aka armor. Not sure what to look for or how much to spend. Not a bother since this is company paid. Oh my God my brain is tingling. Don't you love it when that happens?
Friday, May 18, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
In need of a new country.
From the outside looking in, with our thinly veiled presence, we are righteous. We are a christian nation with a great system of checks and balances. We provide the most aid at a global scale. We offer the most safe, clean, and relatively tame living conditions compared to the rest of the world. This list is full of some good things.
But this sounds disturbingly too much like the anti-christ, whom will rise from among us and make itself look irresistible. I believe it will be hard, perhaps impossible for some, to deny this false christ. Real christ-followers will have a tough choice, a tough decision, but only if they see beyond the clouded pollution of lies. And if real christians do make the choice requiring inhuman courage, they will not enjoy the luxury, the convenience, nor the same kinds of commercial goods that this empire promises. What better land for the anti-christ to rise from than this country we call America? It's certainly something to consider and think about.
I understand the laziness in writing this. It is obvious that im revealing my hypocrisy. But I think at this point it's too late to hide that. I realize that not all churches on American soil is corrupt. But I believe that many churches are jaded and misled and misguided, and I certainly don't see us as blameless.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Five months of bare-feet sliding and stomping is starting to take its toll. My feet hurt.
The atmosphere above the clouds sometimes reveal another layer of clouds above it so that the pure, turbulant air is trapped between two walls of fluffy, puffy, yet dangerous, cotton candy. It's a totally different world up there - another dimension.

Sometimes I think and wonder if this world would be a better place if we earthly creatures had the capacity to volunteer ourselves from it. If we had the ability to surrender our souls and leave our imperfect bodies at will. What a wonderful world that could be.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tougher than I thought

In my previous post I mentioned how I had sweated real hard but didn't feel totally exhausted.
Well today I nearly died from exhaustion and fatigue.
Friday, April 27, 2007
a milestone.
Last night I sweated like I never sweated before. I've ran long distances and bicycled even longer. But nothing like that came close to keiko. I was sweating dime-sized beads of sweat. My entire body felt red while pulsing rythmically in unison as if it were a giant heart.
Today I saw a chiropractor. The doctor gave me electrocution therapy, to relax my tense muscles.
All would be perfect had I had a Wii in my possession.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A New Kind of Warrior
Japan was perhaps the first to face this question as a nation, and it was all the more dramatic as the warrior ethic pervaded all things Japanese. The winner of World War II, who has made as its proud boast: "the business of America is business" - came to see what happens when the Japanese samurai carries out "war by other means." This promise of a new way is what Aikido is all about.
The Oriental tradition of the martial arts taught that the warrior must make nonviolence his inner virtue in keeping the peace - with others but especially within himself. The Western view of the warrior is different. The West is known for its great history of education and ethical thought, but it never developed a tradition of educating the nonviolent warrior. This means that when faced with someone intending to cause you harm, you surround him with your heart and attain the victory of peace. This form of nonviolence is something different from christian meekness and Gandhi's ahimsa. The ideal of "love for all things" is the ultimate state of awareness for a warrior.
Aikido and the new warrior
Friday, April 6, 2007
An exerpt from The Earth Scroll
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My shinai, the extension of my arm.
I've never seen a shinai bend before. But today I did. I wasn't there to take the photo, mind you.
To keep this bamboo extension from splintering it is not uncommon to soak or polish the shinai with oil. I personally use vegetable oil. Other areas of upkeep may involve washing the uniform (keikogi + hakama). Traditionally it is soaked in cold water with a mixture of rice vinegar. I use apple cider vinegar. This soaking in vinegar is a one-time thing to set the dye. But these modern days it is not necessary depending on the make.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
the different splendid people
This world, especially the western part of it, says that by a certain age you should live, be, and work a certain way. That certain way is general and broad and encapsulating of many things of subjects, interpretations, cultures and so much more. But if one deviates from this mindlessly accepted normality, then the one is shunned, shamed, but not quite ostracised. Being casted out would be too easy, it would be a blessing. Instead the one is still included so that the one may be a scapegoat, an object of ridicule, and a lower rank for the quasi-mindless masses to have something to focus on when they so desperately and helplessly look down and away from the reachless higher ranking few.
But I doubt I can last too much longer being away from that ever so familiar spiritual territory. I grow hollower each week, each month. The distance between God and I are farthest it has ever been. Doubt is endless, hope is few, love distant, and faith dwindling. Until next time my fellow kendokas....until next time.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Aikido smakido
Judging by what I've seen and learned, their teaching methods are completely flawed. If it were any more flawed the whole thing would border on being criminal. It's way too flawed to be frustrated about it. It's beyond that. It's so flawed that the only thing you can do is shake your head and laugh about it. And that's what I'm doing while getting by butt kicked. Aikido smakido es muy muy stupido. No wonder it takes a lifetime to learn it.

My Kendo on the other-hand is being honed by excellent methods by 1st class instructors. I'm far from where I need to be, but like all things good, this will take time. I got a new hakama that fits me slightly better and is nearly wrinkle free and much easier to fold and care for. It's the latest craze in Japan this fabric. Before I know it I'll be in the stressful position of shopping for the armor, aka bogu. Stressful because it's $500 for a set (average). Stressful because it needs to fit the body very well. And all that's going to be tough and painful since everything will need to be ordered online.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I'm a fighter, not a lover.

And it's movies like these that inspire and stir our imagination, makes us think and rethink, about bloodshed, war, politics, religion, humanity. Tomorrow, bright and early in the morning, I report to my first day as a student of Aikido - the secret of self-defense and inner power. How appropriate that 300 came out this year of 2007, the same year I got acquainted with the warrior within me. I've got so much to catch up to. Because life, in the end, is our own, and it is what we make of it. Oh wonderful life, you are short and precious, sweet and harsh. It is time I start to walk again upon the earth with bare feet.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Nabeshima Cup
Friday, February 16, 2007
Dancing with swords
In Kendo you gaze into the eyes of your opposing swordsman, the other kendoist, whom likely wants to cut you in half from head to torso, just as much as you want to slice him, if not more.
Oddly (and cheesily) to say, the fluttering eyes of a pretty dance partner is likely more to kill you instead.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Aikido, being single, and the Grand Canyon.
Being out-of-town all the time leaves me no time to cultivate relationships, let alone friends. What little friends I had are now a distant memory.
I'm on a 10-year waiting list for white water rafting in the Grand Canyon. My time for waiting will end at 2008 which is just over the horizon.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
My photographs for
Sunday, February 4, 2007

I did receive my uniform, the Keikogi (upper body coat) and the skirt pants (that's what i call them) and got to practice in them for the first time today. Of course I sweat more in, which is a good thing.
My feet continue to get soars and blisters even though i've been sliding my feet for almost 3 months now. Oh when will that end?! My Japanese is slightly improving. And probably most importantly I'm learning to respect the Japanese culture and people. ;)
Until next time my Kendoka's, Sore dewa!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The bitterness of corporate life.
Meals must absolutely revolve around meat. Eating international cuisines is okay, but only if they've tried it before, otherwise the international menu and culture and peoples are endlessly mocked and belittled. In casual atmospheres females are treated like objects, like eye candy, with the highly prized color being blonde.
I know I am voluntarily placing myself at some risk here. But I am fed up. Life at Avanade really is like a frat-house, just like I've read somewhere from the www but couldn't believe at the time. Now I know. Life in this cold secular corporate world kinda sucks. And I am ever so bitter about it.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
the Book of Five Rings
Today is the day I pick up my sword. No, it's the day I pick up my sword and stand in the front lines. No no no. Today's the day I make my first kill. I know this is cryptic talk, but I suppose only I can understand.