Sunday, December 11, 2005

americans at the fair!

The Texas State Fair is said to be the largest state fair of any state fair across the entire country of the great U.S. of A. around 2004ish, a few friends and I went to this state fair, just for kicks, i think. it was a blast of course, without a doubt. but this book i am currently reading now has caused me to stop and recall and then think about something for a long the point of delaying my reading progress by at least a good hour.

as I walked by this plaza at the fair there was dancing and singing and music, all native american style! it was all cool. but i interpreted the whole "dance" as a form of pagan worship. needless to say, after several moments of watching with honest interest, I walked away, and with probably a small prideful swelling of my own heart, with my "nose slightly struded in the air", thinking that I was walking away from something evil, something that the devil can and has used against me before.

this is something i regret and am painfully shameful of. i dont think this is anything that God has intended. so this book im now reading, thus far, suggests that everything, almost, that I know about worshipping God and pleasing Him and even knowing Him in a tangible/physical manner, is all western european thinking. it is only one shade of color; only one type of lens, so to speak; and one flavor; and most importantly, not necessarily correct.

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