Sunday, December 4, 2005

message in a bottle

i wrote my full name and my contact information, in good detail. some wrote poems, some added their contact information, and some just signed their autograph. this paper, along with coarse white sand, a small plant twig, and a few coins, i placed into this clear used bottle of rum. this bottle i tossed into the middle of the ocean amongst millions and millions of waving crests and troughs. i hope somebody will find that bottle, and contact us. just for the sake of the adventure in doing it.

if you can see me writing my message on that cool tropical island just moments before departing again. a fellow adventurer, a professor probably in her 40's, took this picture without my knowledge with a very big camera. but im glad she did.

side note:
i am struggling with discerning between reality and fantasy, again. i've watched too many a movies where the story ends happy. but i know reality is not about happy endings. so how else can i see things other than through the lens of pity? yet i certainly know that life is not about pitying either. and so i find myself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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