Friday, December 30, 2005
48 hours left
i've never really been a big huge fan of new years. for the past 2-3 years i went to bed at around 10 pm, on new years eve. anyway, it's amazing how the years just fly by. call me an odd-ball, but i find comfort in staying home with family. and i find even more comfort in being in bed at 10 pm while everybody else is out partying or watching people party on television. i find security in it somehow, being cozy under the covers when the clock strikes midnight, and you hear fireworks and gunshots and screaming and cheering outside. it's going to be the same thing for 2005. did i just say all that?? man i'm getting old!
on a side note i really need a hair-cut. but i really feel too lazy to get one. so i think im just going to let it grow a little more. also, i really really wish i had a cute, soft, cuddly little puppy right now.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
a new discovery made
well, i just discovered something like that. it is something about myself. it's as if i've been hiding from myself, or hiding in denial. it's also pretty creepy, kinda like the movie Hide and Seek.
i learned that i tend to give the cold-shoulder. not exactly betray, or desert, or abandon. but more like ignore, channel out, and evade. i'm not going to cop out on this and say that i'm misunderstood, because this can be understood. i think as usual, i can trace the roots to this newly discovered trait of mine to selfishness, self-centeredness, and pride.
i've been feeling the effects of this lately. after knowing this truth about me, all of my pains now suddenly have an origin, and i can finally understand and finally accept the fact that i am fully deserving of the said pains.
jasmine soap
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
i am tired
i'm too tired of thinking about things; like oil changes, paying bills, and relationships. too tired am i, of living in dallas. too tired of not fitting well in any place. too tired of being misunderstood and being misread.
the straws i hold in my hand are few now. and the pages of this book are coming to an end. i long for stability. i long for comfort. i long for consistency. i want discernment. i want trust. i want honesty. i want transparency. but it looks like i won't be finding them any time soon.
i am tired.
jotting it down.
within a timespan of less than 24 hours, i am reminded of something that i must learn to never doubt. in the midst of bad things i am finally able to feel some sense of peace. it is midnight now, way past my bedtime. i bet i'll sleep better tonight than i've had in a while.
this sense of peace comes directly from the knowledge that my God is a faithful God. And He cares for me more than anything.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
i dont know if i learn slow (which is certainly true with mathematics) but i do know that i learn by example/experience best. so let me tell you, briefly, that "what comes around goes around". it's not entirely unlike kharma. even if your intentions are innocent (or simply have no preconceived intentions) it just might come back and bite you (or kiss you?).
now this action/reaction is not what is bothering me. it itself is not why im being stabbed over and over again. it is the fact that the guilty party must live with it for the rest of life. i can easily imagine how a murderer feels, sometime after the fact, when he/she inevitably goes through remorse. because i swear to God i feel like one right now. such feelings of grief, i can also imagine, is what facilitates the entertaining idea of "killing" the self.
but i suppose its the majority (or the few?) that never "crosses that line". yah probably. but im really an optimist at heart. i really am. i've dug quite a depressingly impressive hole. i started out with a shovel and somehow ended up with dynamite. all i am seeking now is to get out of this hole, to reach the surface and to take in fresh air. i don't even care what the weather is like. if the sun is out, full, strong, and warm, caught up in a blue sky - that would be a bonus i don't deserve. but if it's a dreary day, out there on the surface, beyond this hole, then that would be fine too.
being real
but i've learned a big lesson. i learned it many many a days ago. but im just now starting to comprehend it. just now am i beginning to grasp it.
i used to fear what the world thinks of me. i used to be too scared to show the world my feelings, and of course my feelings for others.
since that moment of growth however i don't care what people think of me anymore. i mean i really don't. and neither am i afraid to reveal my attractions and display what i will call Love.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
have you ever had a nightmare because of something you did to a friend?
ever had a nightmare due to a deep and sorrowful regret?
you ever had nightmares of never being forgiven?
have you had a nightmare about never having the chance to ask for forgiveness?
what about guilt? ever had a nightmare because of some hideous crime?
ever had a nightmare from which you've woken up feeling pain because you're tearing up inside?
and have you ever had a nightmare that bothers you even during the day when you're awake?
Monday, December 19, 2005
end of my lease.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
the killer raquet.
so a friend gave me this killer racquet for Christmas. you push this button to charge the metal wire face of the racquet. then upon contact (or within vicinity) of an insect (like a moth or a spider etc) the discharge of electricity shocks the insect and kills it, without you ever coming too close to it. i love it. i killed 3 bugs so far.
my last bug was a mediocre roach on my door. i shocked it and damaged a leg and an antennae. but it was still alive. i shocked it about 5 more times until the shock penetrated the hard chiton carapace. apparantly insects with a hard exoskeleton takes more shocks. hmm, maybe if i power it with a car-battery. maybe then the shock will penetrate roaches in one shot. i swear, roaches are invincible, it seems like.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
mini-photographic entry of interest.
now, i just want to say that i have craving to go diving.
if you never scuba dived then just skip this section. you can not understand....ah yes. scuba diving. it is very big fun.
will, ben, and i went caving (spelunking) in texas. it was "adventure tour" attraction. but i think it was a walk in park. i dont brag. but it was. it was walk in the park. now what i am used to is pure adrenaline rushing action. like this cave entrance in central america.
and i need a vacation. a vacation that does not have any adrenaline, per se. but for someone like me there would be adrenaline pumping in my veins just because life itself is an adventure. but it is more adventure when you really think and believe it is true. even lying and reading in a hammock, on a peacful sand beach. even then, adrenline will break the blood gates. even then, me adrenaline pours like niagra falls.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
genie, in a bottle.
rather, i feel like a genie, a powerful genie, bounded for 10,000 years in an itty bitty living space.
i am certain that i have so much to offer, and am willing to bare torture.
i would die for what i believe in; i'd die for that person as well.
genies are like that. oh. i am so delirious right now. best i sleep.
i didnt mean to make it sound like i am a genie, because im not a genie. and if i somehow made it convinceable that i was thinking of myself as a genie, then of well. im sorry. but the "genie" is symbolic of something else.
and im only being so symbolically cryptic with a hint of espionage because of the flooding emotions of the following list of emotions: fear, anger, confusion in the slight.
good NIGHT!
Monday, December 12, 2005
learning to just let go.
so i raised animals. one pet(s) were a family of gerbils.
one day one of these gerbil babies was abandoned and rejected by its siblings, i noticed. and on closer look, it was quite plumpy and slow. something about it was obviously wrong, like as if it couldn't digest. as a kid i remember pinching it with my index and thumb fingers. i dont think i did it any favors by doing that. in fact, i was probably the cause of its death. anyhow, i buried it, in my backyard, underneath the best thing i knew of - the red rose bush (the size of a small tree).
but all i could think about was its soft fur. its eyes, its legs, its tail, and its disease, whatever it was. shortly after burying that gerbil baby, i dug it back up so i could see it once more and hug it once more. then i had enough, and it was time to really bury it, again, and for good. in its same burial ground under the red roses, along with cedar chippings from what it used to call home, i buried it there.
the gruesome death of my parakeet was no better. one morning i found that one of my two parakeets had its throat slashed. it was already dead and cold on the bottom. blood spilt and an open wound. its friend parakeet high up on the cage, too scared to even look down. i blamed it on a cat.
the passing of my best friend, Happy, was not any better either. his death was a slow and eventually a very painful one. one thing i remember most was when i was tying my shoes on the floor, with him lying down behind me and a good 6 feet away. i figured he was recovering from a mystery illness. but i should've known better. he was never known to be quiet. he was never known to be perfectly still. and yet there he was, 6 feet behind me, lying down, and not moving. as i finished tying my shoes i turn around and notice him only one foot away from me. he had crawled up to me, in complete silence. this too was not his style. i left to go to my stupid grade-school classes that day. as i left the front door, i looked back. happy hadn't moved from where i last touched him, from where i had tied my shoes. he died later that day from cardiac arrest. and I entered denial of his passing. and his canine body was requested to be dumped at the city dump yard. and there was no miracle. he never came back.
if you think i be a hardened veteran by now, you could not be any more wrong.
~ i am still learning to let go ~
Sunday, December 11, 2005
americans at the fair!
as I walked by this plaza at the fair there was dancing and singing and music, all native american style! it was all cool. but i interpreted the whole "dance" as a form of pagan worship. needless to say, after several moments of watching with honest interest, I walked away, and with probably a small prideful swelling of my own heart, with my "nose slightly struded in the air", thinking that I was walking away from something evil, something that the devil can and has used against me before.
this is something i regret and am painfully shameful of. i dont think this is anything that God has intended. so this book im now reading, thus far, suggests that everything, almost, that I know about worshipping God and pleasing Him and even knowing Him in a tangible/physical manner, is all western european thinking. it is only one shade of color; only one type of lens, so to speak; and one flavor; and most importantly, not necessarily correct.
Monday, December 5, 2005
phoniness in kenya, africa.
i love this world Kenya. i really do. totally awesome to the n-th degree. we were the guests of a kenyan minister. his church was a pretty big multi-sited church. congregations mostly composed of people who live in the slumbs, african standard. and his church ministry stretched far and wide throughout kenya.
offering time at one of these church services is nothing short of amazing. people poor with nothing to give will still give in shillings, mere cents US. then we visited his house - a mansion - and i'm talking strictly US standards here. now what the hell's wrong with this damn picture?
a number of team members from this medical mission, that i was fortunate to be a part of, really went out of their way to display their disapproval of many things such as: food, lodging, hygiene, congestion. i mean, every day we see people starving for food, and it's as real as it can be. and when local kenyan hosts humbly and graciously serve us their all... we'd actually have the damn nerve to consume 3 bites of the food in front of us and undiscretely discard the rest simply because the food is not to our liking, or maybe because of the questionable hygiene. what the hell?
we walked through an open-sewaged city of over 1 million in population, the dirt streets congested with "walking skeletons"... and then we have the heart to be thrilled like little children to go safari at the country's most famous safari park. then when all the safari and sight-seeing is over we decide it's absolutely necessary, to the point of paying a premium, to book an early flight back to home-sweet-home. what kind of damn missionaries are we anyway?
the team meets a local pastor and his family in Nairobi, who is incidentally korean, oddly enough. the family welcomes us and serves us and feeds us. the team, in its entirety, left that house with our "noses in the air" while bathing ourselves with the feeling of superiority, simply because we learned that the gentleman is known for laying his hands on people, and allegedly healing them and exorcising demons. we did a pretty efficient job at unanimously labeling him. but i wonder who the hell gave us the authority to do that in the first place?
i realize that not any of this is edifying and very cynical. maybe im going through hormonal changes or something. or maybe its the abrupt weather changes, or something. i just needed to flesh out some points of why we're phonies and how we dont even know that. and i am not excluding myself of this.
Sunday, December 4, 2005
the best lunch of my life
we all sat in at a circular booth. the restaurant was a local oldie favorite, Pete's Cafe. the prof, a devote catholic who then recently started going to mass every morning, is a half-graying bearded man in his 50's or so. everybody else: a catholic male (whom i vaguely remember), a jewish male (paranoid of his Arab classmates), a muslim male (with a very rich father), a buddhist female (who oddly and readily admitted to having STD's), an athiest female (mentally quite a sharp one, as usual), and myself (a "presbyterian" at the time, and a male). needless to say, that was the most intellectually stimulating as well as the most fascinating and invigorating lunch-time conversation i've ever had. and it wasn't like the atmosphere was full of hate or finger-pointing or anything remotely deconstructive and silly like that. on the contrary, it was sheer pleasure. and of course "God" and "religion" and "theology" and the like all came up....that was inevitable. and it went on like this, almost always this same crowd, every day till the last day of class.
that was the year i learned to love History, and not to mention a desire to teach (the prof has this seriously contagious persona about him).
i don't consider myself a presbyterian anymore. actually i don't know exactly what i am. and i don't really seem to care to find out what to label myself anymore. it was always a stupid waste of time anyway the labeling business. stupid. very stupid. ahh those were the good old days of college, when every one of my friends were everything else but christian. i do miss that.
message in a bottle
if you can see me writing my message on that cool tropical island just moments before departing again. a fellow adventurer, a professor probably in her 40's, took this picture without my knowledge with a very big camera. but im glad she did.
side note:
i am struggling with discerning between reality and fantasy, again. i've watched too many a movies where the story ends happy. but i know reality is not about happy endings. so how else can i see things other than through the lens of pity? yet i certainly know that life is not about pitying either. and so i find myself stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Monday, November 28, 2005
an apple makeover
- bootup screen
- login screen
- desktop screen
- screen saver
- dash board widget
- OSX Tiger theme
i've gotta be the biggest poser i know, hands down.
dos equis vs belikin
Sunday, November 27, 2005
we're off to see the wizard...i mean mexico
so things have changed. things always do. no longer hawaii as a vacation destination; it's cancun, mexico instead. i guess hawaii will just have to wait.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
gotta think big
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Goblet of Fire
maybe it was the whole fictional world presented on the movie screen that made it so attractive for me. because in that world harry has such awesome friends, and everybody dresses up really cool, and the scenery is breathtaking where ever you go.
man i wish my world was like that.
but many parts of the movie left me feeling fear. spells of transfiguration and even restoring an evil fetal-like humanoid to power, it's all witchcraft as far as i know. scary that my baby cousin and millions of others love this stuff. scary. which is why my feelings for this one are mixed.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
How do you know if what you go through is a testing or a tempting?
And how does one learn that what is experienced is because of his own doing?
Am I being paranoid to think the Devil is after me on my every step and on every turn of a corner?
Should I be?
today i lost a court case. i know i didn't deserve the penalty, but i paid the price anyway, because that is what the law says. i have one more court appearance and i should be done for the year. i don't like getting tickets. such a pain in my fingertips, between the nail and the skin, right underneath, where it hurts.
i came home for lunch. i guess i should go make it and eat before i should go again. a couple of more months and i'm out of this rat hole....i mean cock roach hole.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
there is no spoon
For tonight's dinner i bought Campbell's New England Clam Chowder. i felt like giving it a try, just for the heck of know, one of those "you only live once" sorta deals. so i go home and i can't find a spoon. so i thought to myself, "think eddie, think" and i ended up putting this ingenius apparatus together using homemade stuff.
Okay okay, so i basically reinvented the wheel. i mean spoon.
It's aluminum foil wrapped around a plastic fork! and it leaves a metalligc sensation in your mouth too! genius!
As for the clam chowder, i've definitely had better. i posted a photo of it just for kicks. if you look very carefully you can get a hint of its taste. because it tastes just like the way it looks - like vomit.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
know thine enemy
and i know the devil is attacking. i can sense it. i can feel it. why else would i be so swelled up with stubborness to the point of almost hating somebody. whoaw now! swiftly, whip that horse without fear and yank on its yoke with all your might. stop yourself dead in your tracks and consider your weaknesses before God.
enough already. i need a bath and need to go to bed.
Friday, November 11, 2005
the new recruits
i lectured a few of my fellow co-workers today over a Lebanese lunch today. i told them that in the end all they're developing is a silly video game; insignificant relative to almost any and all other aspects of life. and that eventually, like me and countless others, they'll grow out of their "passion" and mature into something that won't be so passionate about their current occupation. i even paraphrased everything i said for them and basically said that their priorities are not straight. i did not say it like that, of course. i put it in a more easier form to swallow for them young lads.
holy moly i sound like my grandfather.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
run...we're going to die of dehydration!
the other day i mentioned that life is like a box of chocolates. well i forgot to talk about a few more things: you don't have to eat every single chocolate in the box. you don't have to try one for the sake of trying. you don't have to eat one because somebody gives you one. you don't have to always chew, you can swallow if you'd like. and you can spit out the ones you don't like.
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
could've, would've, should've, didn't.
could've been manager at my current company had i desire.
could've been a successful business man had i vision.
could've been an owner of a house had i commitment.
could've been a doctor had i brains.
could've been a writer had i eloquence.
could've been a musician had i talent.
could've been married to that wonderful girl had i courage.
Monday, November 7, 2005
life is like a box of chocolates
the pure, dark chocolates are the best, and not to mention healthier than milk chocolates.
nobody really likes cherry-filled chocolates, because as a general rule cherries taste good only when they're in their natural fruity form. otherwise it tends to taste like cough syrup.
hold them in your hand too long and they will melt, but you can still lick on it.
it tastes pretty good with peanut butter.
on a tangent note, my plants are doing very well despite minimal care.
i so have a green thumb.
Friday, November 4, 2005
finding that adventurous spirit
(man i really need to stop likening myself to a hamster)
This is off the coast of Cheju Island, right off of the Korean peninsula. This is my aunt, and some statue of a lady, and myself about 3-4 years ago (has it been that long?). I had just came back from a very cold and very wet and bumpy boat ride. It was ok. Would've been better if my aunt went with me though. She's such a sweet person you'd have no idea i was related to her; so freely devoting of all her time for the Lord, every day, even though it requires of her many miles of walking (no joke), even at her age. It brings me tears thinking about it, of her, yet I don't know why. Maybe it's because she has so little, practically nothing. I'm not even sure if she eats 3 meals a day. I cry for her. She say's she so happy just to be able to serve her God. She always brings me back down to earth. She has so much more than I. Sure, I give her cash to help her. But it's only to feed her stomach. But she definitely doesn't live off it. She probably gives it away. I envy her heart. I envy her life. She's so real. It's about time that I start stepping back to earth again.
need to simplify
i need to simplify my life. i have too many distractions, way too many. i need to drastically simplify it. the less i carry with the less room and chance to needlessly worry. i really need to simplify.
man i really need to stop living in a bubble. if i were an animal, i swear, i'd be a turtle too scared to come out of its shell. maybe not scared. maybe too comfortable. or maybe just content.
and i gotta stop hoarding stuff. i know i can't take any of it with me. i know it as fact. it can't be done. even if i could i don't think i'd want any of it. i gotta give it away. gee... could i be any more vague? i swear...sometimes i crack myself up. man i'm so annoying.
Thursday, November 3, 2005
street sweepers and rubber neckers
it's like 9:30 and im on my way to work on the freeway. and guess what? there's like 4 big city trucks sweeping the shoulder lane and hogging up all the bandwidth while kicking up dust and dirt in the air. of course they must do this at the most inconvenient times of the day; otherwise it would make too much sense, it would be logical, and the city certainly can't be logical or sensible. oh no, the city just can't. the same thing applies to road construction contractors. this happens more often than not in texas more than anywhere else, i've found.
now what's up with people driving and not paying attention? rubber neckers are the worst. of course im guilty of it too to a certain degree. after all i'm only human. rubber necking is fine as long as you don't slow down to 2 miles an hour. that's what happened today on my way home, on the freeway, due to what looked like a fatal accident (there were black body bags on the side of the road).
the worst rubber necking story was about this mom driving a van who literally slammed the brakes in the middle of an intersection, with cars behind her and all, just so that she could tell her kids to stop what they were doing and stare at an accident. i swear. that stuff just kills me.
if all drivers were considerate of others the world would be so much better that i believe crime rates would go down. if you're going to change lanes or make a turn, then for God's sake give a damn signal. don't be such a careless moron on the road. don't be such a tastless idiot behind the wheel. don't be such a selfish bastard.
other than that i had a pretty good day.
putting up with bull
Monday, October 31, 2005
a rant about phonies and being scared
but i'm getting real tired of phonies. and by phonies i mean liars and deceivers in every possible way imaginable. i don't like it. i don't like it one bit. i really don't.
on a tangent thought there's a lot for me to be scared about lately these days.
but more on that later.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
hang in there.
changing careers.
On a second note this morning....I woke up and stayed in bed, freezing my butt off, wondering why people are so scared of me. I don't just think of these things you know, people are really scared of me, some people, some times. And then i came to thinking that I am kind of a jerk, more often than not. And I'm sure I must be a real bore to most people, I'm sure of it. But is any of the above enough to justify fearing me like the plague? Now all I can think about is Shrek, and how he lived all by himself on his own swamp. No doubt he's no prince charming. After all he is an ogre. But I think underneath all those onion-like layers, Shrek has a good heart, a heart just as good, if not better, than most. I really think so, even though he's just a cartoon.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Oh how peachy
Wouldn't the world be a better place? No lies. No illusions. No misunderstandings. I think it would a better place. I think it would be just peachy. I really do.
My absent mind, standing on the edge, and grasping security.
The weather is warm and cool at the same time. It's pretty nice and comfortable actually. And the sun is completely out. I don't know what else to think of this other than that I feel like a chicken in a small, tight chicken coop. Nature is begging me, it beckons me, to its bounty.
Something deep inside of me is telling me that I am standing at an edge. There are no immediate clues really, but I do know that I have a choice - either to turn away from the edge, or to jump. And fortunately I am not so reluctant to jump. In fact I want to jump without looking back, not too much anyways.
Most people are afraid of change, which is perfectly natural, I suppose. But I can't understand why anybody would choose security (ie. job security, financial security) over freedom. Securities, as we know it on earth, are not void of attachments. Of course there's nothing wrong with being secure. It is perfectly natural as well. I guess you'd have to see it to understand what I'm trying to get at. I'd never be able to explain it. I'm pretty lousy at that.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
a new sandwich from jack in the box.
C-I, A-B-A, double-T, A.
~ not bad at all. 2 thumbs up for Jack.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Saturday, October 8, 2005
the impact of our actions & the feelings of shame
1. A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace.
2. One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.
3. A great disappointment.
I had the good privilege of waking up with such feelings of shame. I can trace the shame all the way back to its root, a particular set of shameful actions stem from. The actions in question is the very reason why I feel the way I do this morning, no doubt. Without going into details, let me lay it down straight and simple: our actions, no matter how small or insignificant at the time, can potentially have a great and huge impact later on. This is one of the laws of thermodynamics I think. And this is especially true if your actions go against the grain of another person, even if it is out of incredible ignorance, or out of genuinely good intentions.
so here i am, as hungry as a cow...sitting in bed, about to wash up and get dressed, and get ready for a full and cold saturday, going through life the best i can. and though i've no choice but to carry this baggage of shame with wherever i go, i do consider it a privilege to know it. with it i'm wiser and less prone to repeat. knowing it i will remember and will never forget why i feel the way i do. but now i am going to deep, and i'm afraid that i can't go into details.
Thursday, October 6, 2005
cloned food supply
But this is too barbaric. And besides, lawyers with lawsuits would be all over me like bees on honey. A better tactic would be to just hack their phones, or something personal, and just post it on the net. No sense working alone. In fact I should start a website, with its own url and all, about anti-food-engineering, or something wholesome and good like that.
Sounds good to me. I'm going to it. I'm going to go head first into this project. And my first step to anti-food-engineering success is to shop for a domain name and a service provider. I'll post the link to the soon-to-be coolest website ever (that i've ever published).
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
fruit salad blend
Today's juice blend:
1 cup apple juice
1 cup fruit salad (grapes, cantelope, honeydu melon,
blend until smooth and frothy.
awake one early morning
rarely, or perhaps too often, i wonder if i'm psychotic. i'm serious as one can possibly be. probably thinking like this is proof that i am. these days, mentally speaking, i can tell that i've been dusting things under the rug. and don't ask about the details. i don't feel like going into details. and there i go again, dusting it under the rug.
Sunday, October 2, 2005
the forgotten
Saturday, October 1, 2005
a day in the mall
all for You
Nothing compares to, life I have in You, nothing of this world satisfies. So I want to let go, I want to let You know, all that I have to give is Yours . Here I am, as gold to the fire, I will surrender to Your hand. To this place, Lord I have come ready for Your touch.
It's all for You. It's all for You. I'm letting go. I'm letting go.
It's all for You. It's all for You. I'm letting go. I'm letting go.
What is it in me that hangs on for so long? Why do I fight the tears that come? I work so hard to, keep in control when, all that I want is to let go.
It's all for You. It's all for You. I'm letting go. I'm letting go.
It's all for You. It's all for You. I'm letting go. I'm letting go.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
the 64 second film contest
Oh my...what did I get myself into?
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
autumn days, continued
1) Don't allow pride to prevent you from smiling, it happens far too often.
2) Return a kind gesture with a thank you, you don't do this often enough.
3) Treat others as you would have them treat you, you don't do this at all.
4) Know your space, don't go around popping other peoples' bubbles.
5) Face your problems; you've ran away from them for too long.
6) Read this and read it often, for you have the tendency to forget.
these early autumn days
life. what a life. could my life be any more pathetic? why am i always living in the past? eddie, let the pride go. some days i just shoot myself in the foot. those are the days i feel like i haven't grown up, and it's probably because i haven't, not fully, not yet. but i guess that this is just a stepping stone to something greater. i can not wait to see the day when this pathetic life becomes something worthwhile.
they say patience is a virtue. i think that is true. but if i think it true why do i forget it? maybe i dont believe it. or maybe i'm just apathetic. or maybe i'm just a hypocrite. it took me a long time to be able to comprehend and interpret analog clocks. my point is that i'm really slow at learning new things. i mean really slow. i admire people with patience. i admire them even more for being patient with me. therefore it makes me want to be abundantly patient with everybody else. but i'm not. i'm not patient with everybody. and maybe that is why i feel miserable.
to be continued in the morning...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
life's hard lessons
pride, it is THE thing that will somehow manage to find you. when it takes hold and your personal insecurities only reinforces it, beware, for you are most vulnerable. but truth be told, pride has no grip, it cannot hold or cling on to you. rather, it is you who hold and clings on to it. do yourself a favor and let it go.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
a little something...
"You didn't get it. Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices. A mother works so her son can go to school. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father. A man goes to war...."
on hatred:
"Edward,"...."Learn this from me. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves."
- the five people you meet in heaven
Saturday, September 3, 2005
the possible
where in spite of all you can do,
there is no way out, there is no way back,
there is no other way but through?
then wait on the Lord with a trust serene
till the night of your fear is gone;
He will send the wind, He will heap the floods,
when He says to your soul, "Go on."...
in the morning watch, 'neath the lifted cloud,
you shall see but the Lord alone,
when He leads you on from the place of the sea
to a land that you have not known;
and your fears shall pass as your foes have passed,
you shall no more be afraid;
you shall sing His praise in a better place,
a place that His hand has made.
- Annie Johnson Flint
Thursday, September 1, 2005
it's a war zone
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
this means war
Now it is the following day. After watching a movie I turn on the kitchen lights so I can grab a screw driver from one of the cabinets. Before I step foot on the kitchen floor I am amazed, no, dumb-founded, to see 2-3 big roaches casually walking about on the counter tops. I immediately grabbed the roach spray, my new best friend, and sprayed them off. As I let out a sigh of relief I was just about to let down my guard to place the spray bottle down. But I didn't even get a chance. Before I could place my best friend down I saw another one crawling along towards the sink, and it was running this time! I sprayed every cabinet corner, between every crevice, and along the floor perimeter. But even as I was doing that I saw the head, along with two antennaes, sticking out of a crevice in the outer cabinet, right beneath the counter top. It wasn't long before I couldn't believe my eyes...the roaches were swarming - they must've been hungry. I'm going in for another round of roach slaughtering in a few more minutes. I can only hope that my best friend can hold up.
Note to self - call the exterminator tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
considering green peace.
GreenPeace sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless i
should investigate deeper into this non-profit organization.
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
Saturday, August 27, 2005
waste not
- the five people you meet in heaven
Friday, August 26, 2005
the cuteness of Siberian Huskies
I bought him a red collar for $4 (I think).
He loves to fetch tennis balls and frisbees.
In fact, I entered him into a frisbee catching contest and won 1st place. And we won 100 bucks! He likes taking walks for the most part, although he seems rather lazy lately about it. Too bad I'm hardly ever home to feed him.
~ Nintendogs ~
Thursday, August 25, 2005
math teacher twice a week.
1. These kids are serious.
2. They're in a serious predicament.
3. They need serious help.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
these self-proclaimed wise words.
. Never count eggs before they hatch
. If you're thirsty your body has been dehydrated for some time, drink water
. Drink at least 8 cups of clean, pure water every day
. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper
. Don't look directly at the sun
. Love your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul
. God loves you
. Cell phones could possibly cause brain cancer
. Take pictures, from time to time
. Read a book, from time to time, at the least
. Refrain from junk foods if possible
. Refrain from frequenting fast food restaurants
. Abstain from temptations that bind you at all costs
. Go fishing at least once in your lifetime
. Go scuba diving at least once in your lifetime
. Enjoy all weather, whether rain, sleet, or tornado
. Enjoy nature's bounty
. Don't be afraid to get out in the sun
. There's nothing wrong or shameful about sweating, it's healthy
. Do not worry, it's a sin
. Love your neighbor
. Talk to your neighbor
. Don't be concerned about the latest cars, it's needless
. Don't be concerned about your income level, you'll live
. Rid of your pride, it doesn't do you any good
. In ALL things give praise and glory to God
Monday, August 22, 2005
please do try and tame your tongue
A word or phrase doesn't have to be "bad" or even "dirty" in order for it to be rendered profane, obscene, or inappropriate. It is how it is used in context. Therefore any spoken word or phrase is thoroughly capable of offending when said with an offending heart. Daily living, simple living, is no different. Keeping a clean sparkling mouth on one day and having a filthy frothing mouth on another is to be keeping two different worlds apart - you might as well be living two separate lives because in a way you really truly are.
Riding the powder.
Friday, August 19, 2005
a friday's ramblings
Today was a rather casual day in the office. My fellow co-workers (4) and I had quite the diverse and philosophical conversation - everything from the illusion of teleportation when copying matter at the atomic level (as opposed to true transferring of atoms from one physical location to another) along with the moral and ethical and spiritual ramifications of atomic-teleportation (hence atomic cloning) to the latest technologies in 2D/3D image projections into thin air (now on the market).
Went to Central Market for lunch, went home at 4:30 pm, and packed up and prepared for a a visit to Mom and Dad's. "Oh shoot!!". That is what I said out loud to myself when it dawned on me that a friend had invited me over to watch Battle Star Galactica (or was it Star Trek?). Too bad I don't watch either of them, let alone like them. So I unpack and catch a ride to the host's abode with my roommate (we car pooled, yay!).
In more interesting and applicable ramblings that's of any worth in mentioning, I've been reading about the emerging church (a neat book). Authentic and experiential worship by the mediums that are available through our five senses, this may or may not require some time. Enough of my ramblings....I need to at least attempt to watch the TV show.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Clouded judgment
In the midst of every inconceivable distraction; stop, breath, and look to what will bring you to the goal. Muddy floors, freezing currents, ugly fish, oxygen levels, low visibility...these are mere distractions - obstacles to be conquered - fears to be overcome. Instead keep a steady and unwavering eye on your compass, for it eagerly and relentlessly shows you the way.
Monday, August 8, 2005
More ramblings with Negra Modelo
Sunday, August 7, 2005
ultimate frisbee day
Saturday, August 6, 2005
something new
next chapter please
i suppose it's now time to turn the page and keep reading.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
the light does the darkness most fear
Lucifer, the morning star, enjoys it when we under-estimate. He relishes on our thinking of him as an allegorical personification. He is more than pleased when we regard him as mythology or his name as a planetary body. He loves it even more when we deny his existence altogether. Lucifer is not fun and games. He is not to be taken lightly and shrugged off as a non-threatening entity. He is alive today. He is as real as the air you breathe. He roams the earth like a starving lion, waiting to devour. He deceived a third of God's angels. He deceived God's earthly creatures, Adam and Even. And he had certainly deceived me.
But there is hope...
Keep your guard.
Do not play his games.
Do not accept his lies.
Do not fall for his illusions.
Resist him and he will flee.
...I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear.
- Jewel
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
i need a new sleeping bag
every single night
is more like a big rag
covering you up tight
Sunday, July 24, 2005
here we go again.
The cycle never seems to come to an end. Project after
project. Revolution after revolution. Day after day.
Night after night. Maybe working harder and faster
would eliminate these crunch times, perhaps?
No body and no mind is cut out for such demands. My
body is already showing signs of wear and tear. How
many more until my mind begins to fade - or has it
already begun?
Regardless, for now, I am here, again, working on a
Sunday evening...with a bottle of Shiner Bock and a
liter of spring water to sail me through the day, I
mean night.
Yahoo! Mail
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:
It is such a deep and beautiful morning. A clear morning sky and the showering warmth of healing sun both work together to encompass my terrace as I lie on my sun-bleached Jamaican hammock.
Being a slow learner, twenty seven years have passed for my understanding the evils, the grave sins, of pride, envy, and jealousy. My heart, as if it were a late blooming flower, finally senses the sun. It finally seems to feel the nourishment offered by rain and mildew. Waking from its slumber that is long overdue, my spiritual heart is opening slowly, and it wants to respond. I can see the value of the sins - it is a devastating one. For such things do not come from love. No, not at all. Not by any means.
Twenty seven years it takes me to realize and accept the fact that I am so full of these undesirable and deprecating sins.
Friday, July 15, 2005
stark contrasts
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
As I read through this I just had to read it again, and again. The fact of the matter is that this passage has The Best explanation for my reoccuring nightmares during my childhood. Although the correlation is weak and vague it provokes my forgotten nightmares from the deep crevishes of my imagination. The nightmares were only two. They were elegant in nature yet unimaginably extreme.
Imagine a white room with no apparant boundaries. Suddenly a shrouded woman dressed in ragged winter clothes carrying a large bundle of baby trees, like large dead sticks, carrying them with both arms to one side. The sticks are very long, sometimes as long as full grown tree. Everything about her dark and dirty clothing is semi-vivid, not exatly real, but detailed to the dirt and bark of the trees. You do not see her face, nor do you see her from the front, but you always always see a glimpse of her as she leaves the white room, carrying dead baby trees. Suddenly it strikes you that she is gone, you are left alone in an endless universe of clean bright whiteness, and the dream comes to an end.
Imagine a waterfall, as large and as powerful and as loud as you can imagine, like standing three feet in front of Niagra Falls. Suddenly the water stops to a halt. And like a slightly leaky faucet, a droplet is clearly seen and clearly heard. Sometimes it would be vice-versa - leaky faucet to raging water fall. And the dream comes to an end.
day and night
oil and water
good and evil
Adventure hunting begins.
With this device I reckon I be driving and hiking more often than my norm, in pursuit of that hidden treasure, and eventually encrypting custom riddles and stashing my own memories.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Athens SCUBA park, in Athens, Tx, looks to be an
interesting lake as far as diving is concerned. It is
a man-made lake converted from an old quarry site. No
fish exists, from what I understand, but there are
literally tons and tons of sunken objects, including a
jet airplane , a Volkswagon beetle, and a bus, and
that's just to name a few.
So I find myself in need of a dive partner (to be on
the safe side). Fortunately Dallas has several SCUBA clubs/organizations.
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Sights on New Zealand.
Here on the mountain I have spoken to you clearly; I will not often do so down in Narnia. Here on the mountain, the air is clear and your mind is clear; as you drop down into Narnia, the air will thicken. Take great care that it does not confuse your mind. And the signs which you have learned here will not look at all as you expect them to look, when you meet them there. That is why it is so important to know them by heart and pay no attention to appearances. Remember the signs and believe the signs. Nothing else matters.
- The Silver Chair, ch. 2.
profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that
now is, and of that which is to come.
- 1 Timothy 4:8
Sunday, July 3, 2005
A world apart.
The jeep stopped one more time, but this time next to a dried river-bed as wide as two school buses measure long. Though still suffering from the stomach pains, I found strength to walk out of the jeep, all on my own. In my unwashed dirty clothes that I've been wearing for a week, I found my footing towards the center of the river-bed bottom. Of mostly pure sand and small pebbles is the river-bed's composition with scattered pools of remnant mud-water. As I reached my destination that I had set in my mind, a mound of damp-dry patchy sand, I notice how light-footed my steps are even though my entire body is that of a heavy-footed clumsy boy drained of his fluids and nutrients. But I really didn't mind, nor did I truly care, for about 400-500 ft before me, a raging herd of Wilderbeasts, along with a few spots of Zebras, was already in full motion of crossing. My senses were overhwelmed yet not over-powered. Smokes of waked dust accompanied the herd in the ever-so-clear distance, and so did the cladder of a thousand thundering footsteps. And again...the familiar fear taunts and tantalizes me.
Friday, July 1, 2005
NAUI certified and ready to explore the depths of the seas
As of July 5, 2005 I am NAUI certified for open-water SCUBA diving.
(From left-right, top-bottom)
Holding on at a depth of 20ft, Look out it's a shark!, Taking a break between dives (aka. surface time), Diving in feet first from the dock (aka. giant stride), Look it's a sunken ship!
Sunday, June 26, 2005
the miracle of liquid water.
Liquid water we take for granted. It is unimaginably rare in the universe. It is what sustains life on earth. Yet if the earth's core temperature were marginally warmer or cooler, liquid water would not exist. Yet people dread the rain.
It is true (the last line), and I find this to be peculiar, unusual, abnormal, and ungrateful. Why can't I walk in the pouring rain without an umbrella? The same thing goes for smelling food, or just general things for that matter. We have a nose. Why can't I smell something without being called a weirdo?
Miracles are all around us. Enjoy them.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
El Capitan
El Capitan, a monstrous cliff formation looming over the valley, still stands bold and tall. Even today it is constantly being chiseled and shaped by the very hand of God. See it up close and in person to see a perspective with respect to the world around you, because like everything else, no picture will ever do it justice. Experience for yourself this singular mass of stone with your very eyes alone, and understand a glimpse of the awesomeness of God's overwhelming power and creative genius. You will walk away, slowly, occasionally turning around to convince your existence that it is indeed the real deal; and you will be impressed, and you will stare in dumb silence, and you will forget about time, and you will forget about yourself for once, and you will wish you had the eyes of an eagle, and you will not want to leave. And if you're anything like me, you will cry, but just a little bit.
not just words.
I was never a man of much words. Exchange a few with
me and it becomes painfully obvious, I'm not a man
gifted with an eloquent voice. And doubtful I ever be.
But not long ago, like fairly recently, a little birdy chirped and told
me that i don't have to be. He said that there are
other things to worry about, greater things, far more
significant things.
Nothing satisfies me anymore. All my childhood dreams
are gone, and so are my career dreams, they're all
gone. So what does that leave me with? Well, it's
actually quite obvious, very quite. Im not exactly
sure how or what caused this, although I have a theory
that I believe to be sound, the usual fears that held
me back are being released (present tense), and my
inhibitions are lessened by a substantial margin.
The fear of losing my job, the ever-so-common fear of
losing the career momentum to progress in the
workforce, the great imposing fear of losing the
respectability of relatives who prides in the
abundance of cash and financial credits, the conscientious
fear of literally getting too dirty, the unreasonable
fear of passing through a village and never touching
another soul, the universal fear of sensing a
tremendous loss, the childish fear of the unknown....
This list, to anyone's imagination, goes on and on.
Yet amazingly all this can be encapsulated (and I do
believe this) into one great ball of mesh, and then
explained by a single, elegant, unifying reason. This
reason explains why the huge list exists in the first
place. It explains why they can merge and stick
together so very well. And it explains why having
nothing to do with it is essentially equivalent to
being set free from a solitarily confined prison.
It goes against all of my animal instincts. Deliberately I must tell myself to let my creator take the driver's seat, and I the passenger seat. Deliberate I must be, else I be in control again. And perhaps someday, maybe, just maybe, I will wake up one morning and by His Grace and His Grace alone, I will have finally learned to simply let go and permanently hand over my keys and never worry about driving again. And with the deepest part of me I pray that that morning is here.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
lost and forgotten
No phone, no wallet, no credit card, no driver's
The Lord is telling me something. He's telling me to
evaluate myself. He's asking me to ask myself, "What
am I doing?".
It feels pretty good to be separated from
everyday/important things that tag along in our
pockets. It feels good because they are but mere
things, insignificant things, if you can see past the
lie. And yes, they are lies, all of it, because there
is no gray about it. It is as black and white as oil
and water.
You think I be a fool eh? Naive? Immature, perhaps?
Possible you think of me a liar, a jerk, a literary
Then so be it.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
how to annoy yourself
My indifference and/or my lack of mental clarity is
starting to annoy myself now. The following is a 4
step process to surely annoy the heck out of yourself:
1. Lose your wallet.
2. Bring your lunch to work; come lunch time forget
the fact that you brought one and go out and get
another one.
3. Repeat step 2 until you find ways to remind
3. Lose your mobile phone.
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Friday, June 17, 2005
A Fat Tire.
Nothing like a 6-pack of cool beer, amber ale to be exact, on a late Friday
night in the office, surrounded by co-workers cramming
away to meet beta.
....actually, I can think of 27 billion other places
I'd rather be.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
the morning sun
(overlooking terrace one random morning)
not good Enough.
Absolutely nothing.
Sunday, June 5, 2005
Don't try this at home.
So I had a zip-lock bag full of assorted fruits, much
more varied than usual. So I decided to be a little
creative with my fruit blend.
Warning: I'm not entirely sure why, but the following blend recipe is nearly
undrinkable. I'll repost this one when I have this
1/3 cup of spring Ozarka water, 4-6 green seedless
grapes, 4-6 seeded red cherries, 1 small and crisp red
apple, 2 small lemons.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Yes, my puppy was well loved.
So anyway, my puppy was well loved. He was a scottish-terrier-looking dog (but definitely not a scottish-terrier). White fur with large light-brown spots is how he dressed everyday (like he had a choice). Like most dogs (all dogs?), Happy (that was his name), was a loyal, outgoing dog.
Happy sometimes would run away, but would always find his way back home (sometimes after a day or two).
Happy was indeed a loyal dog, but not always a well-behaved dog.
And Happy, like all dogs eventually, decided to leave his master (that would be me).
Happy suffered many long days of kidney failure.
He died from a heart-attack.
Lesson #1: Anti-freeze is a lethal thing, and everybody should fix their car right away if it starts to leak anything but water.
Lesson #2: The fear of losing a loved one may cloud your judgment.
Lesson #3: Nothing lasts forever, not in this realm.
Lesson#4: Life is short.
Lesson#5: When lesson 4 is understood, registered, and realized, life becomes more precious than previously known.
Lesson #6: Applying lesson 5 to a loved one will yield a willingness to die for them.
Lesson #7: After knowing lesson 6, understanding God's demonstration of love by sacrificing His only Son, a man, will no longer seem so unthinkable.
Lesson #8: No matter how long or how often you do it, crying over the loss of a loved will not bring them back.
Lesson #9: There is nothing wrong with crying over the loss of a loved one.
Lesson #10: Potty-training a puppy is frustrating.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
open water
life and reality pure and raw.
Deep turbulent wild and cold;
the flick makes me superbly bold.
Held and poised that is the key;
no other way to be out at sea.
Blue abyss one of my great fears;
the hour of conquer is very near.
Monday, May 23, 2005
electronic entertainment expo (E3) - a Synopsis
The end.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
bored silly
So I find myself entering a new log when Im bored. And from the looks of it I've been bored a lot. No worries. I can't afford to worry. If im fortunate enough I could join another medical team to Cambodia for a stretch of 3 months. So I am awaiting that opportunity. Moreover, I've signed a weekend course for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (that's SCUBA for you lay-people out there). If it weren't for adventures I honestly don't know how else I could live.
For you don't always learn to appreciate God's creation when you're always walking on the "surface". Sometimes a different perspective is a good thing, a very good thing. Whether it be climbing a high mountain to its frigid and hostile summit, or it be belly-crawling a claustrophobic pitch dark watery cavern, or being dwarfed up-close-and-personal by a single sea creature larger than two school buses put together, or being dwarfed by a school of fish...and swimming through it --- those are the very moments when you feel the most alive, and therefore grateful that you are indeed alive. You can also be sensitized by simply walking outside and "away" from the artificialities of everyday life; that is, walking without the intent of going anywhere.
It is ever so clear to me why I enjoy such adventures. And it is ever so clear to me that I do not enjoy knowing God because I enjoy His creation. But rather it is that I enjoy His creation because I know God.
current struggles: jealousy and envy.