Friday, February 16, 2007

Dancing with swords

It must be by sheer coincidence that 2007 is my year of the dance. Just like common Japanese buisiness confrontations, the art of Kendo can teach those qualities that will help, if kept, in every day life. Qualities such as eye-contact, taking the initiative versus appropriately responding, prominent vocals, and respect are all commonalities shared between these two arts. And just like dancing, Kendo Kata has the leader and the follower, and it does require practicing of fundamentals such as footwork and proper form. Kendo Kata is in fact to dance with a sword(s) in hand. This striking resemblance slapped me on my cheek one day. It just hit me.

In Kendo you gaze into the eyes of your opposing swordsman, the other kendoist, whom likely wants to cut you in half from head to torso, just as much as you want to slice him, if not more.
Oddly (and cheesily) to say, the fluttering eyes of a pretty dance partner is likely more to kill you instead.

1 comment:

Anne-Marie Lafortune said...

that's actually quite true! the "art of war" is indeed very useful in many life situations!

Interesting blog!