Saturday, March 18, 2006

i doubt im the only one.

God being all-knowing and all-loving, does it make sense for Him to create creatures that are bound to fall? i dont get it. im not questioning God, but it's just that i dont get it. God is a jealous and selfish God, yet absolutely and utterly righteous, for He is incapable of being anything less than perfect. it is simply not in His nature to NOT be righteous. so why would He create a race that is destined to miss the mark (sin) from the very beginning because of their God-given free will? im assuming that many in our human race will not reach Him and that only a few will enter those heavenly gates. those who are rejected will suffer forever by the total absence of God. and those who are granted to be in His presence will experience joy beyond words, forever. it can be said that rewards and just being in the very presence of God is what will make it all clear, that it's a privileage to go through this fallen world and all it's griefs so that we can know that much more the rewards and the joys that awaits us, when we are walking in perfect communion with God, just like how it used to be in that garden, east of Eden.

I dont buy this any more. It's hard to accept this. It's difficult to believe that any of this is righteous. I personally think God was just bored and needed to entertain Himself. Take a person, any sane person, and place him into solitary confinement. It doesn't take too long before
his mind begins to wander. How much so must it be for God? I imagine it'd be immensely (infinitely?) so.

I'm not rejecting God, although it sounds like it. I'm saying that my understanding of the western take on Christ and God is theology and religion. These things, theology and religion, speaks to me as arrogant. Im pretty fed up with western ideology, as well as the west's superiority complex when it comes to just about anything and everything.


Anonymous said...

interesting. are you saying that the BIble is just a bunch of western ideology, and maybe other religions' view of God may be more accurate (ie. hindu, tao, buddhist, etc?) would love to hear your further thoughts

Edward An said...

no, not like that Jenny. when you went to Russia was there as much theological depth? im jumping to conclusions but christianity, as i know it today, is a mold that is western.

i think it is only natural and inevitable that such a broad range of opinions and interpretations stem from a single subject because there's just so many minds studying it.

i think the way we study the bible (as well as theology) is way too scientific, which is really the only way our western thinking allows.

btw, the essence of what im trying to say here is told in many native american stories and prophecies.