Thursday, February 9, 2006

thursday's productivity

to live infamously, precariously, and bodaciously. that is the key to the universe, single-dimensionally speaking, of course. brushing up on some rusted hinges on inner workings. ouch my shoulder hurts. twas a vicious cycle. i mean a vicious day. i mean a victim of a vicious day, me. suffocated in a big bag, my bag, a bag of wood and bricks. oh my God the end is coming near. Israel oh israel, open your beautiful eyes. Iran oh iran, close your fierce hand. and cut your nasty fingernails. and your toenails. dietary supplemental nirvana, oh yes, indeed. fourteen years ago i was almost eaten by king kong with banana breath. got into a big earthquake too. but i survived, can you believe? i dont care. cuz im the fastest typer in the west. i mean im the fastest typer in the south. never ate snails, nope, never will. im too smart for that. unless i can touch my ears with my tongue, i wont even try it. television used to be the bomb. now everything on it has bombed or is bombing. muppet babies, er babies of muppets, er baby muppets, them were bombs too. no, make that nuclear bombs. let my people go, you bastards. otherwise ill blow a bubble from gum tainted with aspartame. i had three cups of coffee de stars. i mean i spent three bucks for coffee. anyway do liberate yourself and pick your nose. do it infront of the president of your local library. or feed it to a hamster. sailing is for pirates not for geeks. yuppy are them magnolias. yummy are them raisin cookies. yucky are them public toilets. and yolky are them egg yolks. break my chains oh you colossals of fantastics. you heaps of the earth which i love your earthy smell, very much like roasted coffee beans from Kenya. i love you. oh yes i do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you drunk? not now, i mean, when you wrote this entry? or are you speaking in tongues? :) :) :)