Saturday, July 8, 2006

New Jersey - Day 4.

I missed the 30 minute window for my flight out from DFW (dallas int'l airport). because of it i waited for 15 hours on standby. it was like the twilight zone in a way. when i arrive in denver, my transfer stop to LAX, i was put on standby for another 4 hours. my flight out of LA to NJ was delayed by Alaska airlines, so i had to be transfered to another airline. after waiting 5 hours i arrive for the 3:59P flight, except there was only one problem. the flight was for 3:10P. how i made that mistake i still do not know. very fortuantely the airline rep. was nice this time around and waited for me. i made it, and then i arrived in NJ 20 minutes till midnight. it took another 2 hours driving around in a fake cab until i finally arrive at my hotel.

my other meals are all rations. instant-food type. just add hot water or microwave or just open and eat. im talking cup-ramen noodles, canned pickled sesame leaves sardine-style, instant prepackaged korean rice, and as of yesterday canned tuna and vienna sausages. this beats eating out every day. and because of this terrible diet my body is demanding a day or two of detoxing via some form of fasting. i think i am experiencing problems either in my liver or more likely my gall bladder. wish i had pictures to prove all this, but i forget my the cable to transfer pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ack. edward, buy some fruits and veggies! this is jenny, btw, i'm too lazy to fill in my identity.