Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shot by a pool shark

Today Chris got pulled over while barely driving out of his parking lane because I was sitting in the back of his truck (reading specs and requirements for our next big project). Fortunately they gave us a warning and let us go since we're all from out of state.

It is Bob's 22nd birthday today. So we crossed highway 10 on foot by running and crossing over the concrete median so we could get to the Chuckie Cheese that's across the street. We ate pizza and played games that made our arms really tired and took a picture with Chuckie Cheese himself. It was radical.

We played pool for several hours. It was amazing to see Alan, the resident farmer/pool shark, win 10 games in a row with little effort. We talked until 3:00am about chi energy, cancer, technology, history, and living life.

And fianlly, last night I couldn't sleep because a gang of 8-10 teenagers were outside fighting. The only odd thing about the whole thing was that they were fighting through the art of rapping. So they were basically rap fighting; making up phrases, slangs, and obsceneties on-the-fly.

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